Late Night Guild <Night Vision> Silvermoon A

Alliance Late Night Progression Guild @ Silvermoon (EU) looking for new recruits.

Current progression :
The Eternal Palace 8/8H 6/8M

Most active time :
19:00-04:00 - Server Time

Raiding times :
23:30-02:00 on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Most desired classes :
Mage, DPS Warrior and Rogue.

Contact :
Battlenet: Bruhor#2189
Discord: Bruhor#7461

We are mature guild raiding late night in a laid back and chilled atmosphere. We are looking for few more people to fit into our roster. Now is your chance to prove yourself.

Offering Alliance late night EU Mythic progression, regular HC raids, and M+ groups, we’re currently recruiting skilled players to finish up our Raid and mythic plus teams.

Always looking for active members to be part of our growing late night community.

We are looking for :
Alliance late night raiders and mythic plus players
Also seeking casual alliance late night players

Exceptional applicants are always considered so please get in touch if you play Alliance Late Night and our raid times suit your play time. We also recruit socials so if you find our raid times suit you please get in touch, socials are able to raid in our none progression raids unless stated otherwise. Very active discord server with a sociable member base.

You can always contact some of our officers for more information.

What we want from you ?

  • Respect your fellow guild mates
  • List item
  • Be on time and be prepared.
    Invites go out fifteen minutes before raid time, with everyone gemmed and enchanted with flasks and food ready.
  • Listen, learn and understand. We value hard work and a willingness to get involved with other guildies.
    We will always offer constructive advice in an aid to improve your play.

NIGHT VISION - Alliance Late Night EU Guild

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