Late Night Raiding Guild: 02;00 - 04;00 GMT+1


The Guild Zion is currently Recruiting on the server Silvermoon (Alliance).
Wer a Late Night raiding guild with a great atmosphere!
We have cleared Heroic Battle of DazzarAlor and wer currently progressing in Mythic to kill some bosses.

Our raid team at the moment consists of about 15 Core people, a few trials and socials, (we really need 20 for mythic :wink: )
So wer currently searching for more players to join us!
Healers and DPS mainly!

Our Raid days are currently: Wednesday, Thursday and Monday assuming you dont sleep :wink: Otherwise id would be Thursday Friday Tuesday 02;00 early morning!

So why are we a Late night raiding guild?
The reason we raid so late is because several members either work in Bars or Restaurants, and we want to raid after work! :stuck_out_tongue:

You can contact us by adding the officers to Bnet, or by replying to this forum post! (checking daily)


Thanks for reading and have a good night!

just a small update, wer now 9/9 Heroic, 2/9 Mythic and going to start on Crucible of the storm Norm/Heroic on this wednesday when it comes out!

wer still in need of players to join our team!

DPS, Healer and possible a tank spot are all welcomed!

Update time: 9/9Hc 2/9M and 2/2 Normal, on next raid wer most likely going to be 2/2 HC Crucible aswell!

keep in mind that wer still a Heroic raiding guild, however after we got ahead of the curve, we will do some mythic stuff for funsies :smiley:

Currently 1/2 HC Crucible

Hey! we are currently in need of:

1 tank, any class
DPS, any class but ranged prefered
and we got a healer spot open aswell!

add me on Bnet if you are interested!


update. wer still currently looking for All classes :slight_smile:

also wer finally 2/2 heroic crucible, only took us about 10 pulls to kill Heroic uunat. why didnt we kill him earlier