Laughing Skull lore

Hello everyone.

Im not 100% sure this is in the right section so if its not sorry about that.

Also before I start I would like to say I dont play RP im just looking for lore I say this because in my search I have come to the understanding the Laughing Skull RP’ers have some what of a bad reputation for some reason.

I have recently gotten exalted with the Laughing skull clan, unlocking all there transmogs and want to make my own Laughing Skull Mag’har Orc I have been looking for lore on them and cannot find much other than a few web pages on wowpedia and wowhead they both say the same thing. I was wondering if anyone knew of more lore or sources of law on the clan.

Also dose anyone know what class would suit the Clan as all the skull npc’s I have seen seem to be warriors and I already have a Mag’har warrior and dont want another.

Thanks for your time and any help you can give me.

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Well, all we know is that:

  1. Skulls play an important role in their society, either for religiously social purposes. Or both.

  2. They’re all weirdos as best, utterly crazy at worst.

  3. They appear to be quite sadistic.

  4. They’re easy-going, daring and adventurous.

  5. They don’t care about honor as much as the other clans.

Logical classes for them would be rogue, hunter and warrior.

Let Maltazard help out! I need to do this to make sure that I actually know my own stuff anyways.

The Laughing Skull clan, to put it at a point that you probably already know: is completely insane. From the part that everyone knows about laughing at death and embracing your own demise with a smile, to the more extreme parts like injecting Ravager venom into their veins or using crimson-like spores to make themselves more aggressive and insane.
Sadly, the Laughing Skull does not contain a great lot of lore as they are arguably one of the most “minor” clans WoD-story wise, especially because of the fact that they have no real High Overlord (Like how the Frostwolves have Durotan, or the Warsong Grommash) outside of Kaz who is incredibly downplayed. Their lore is mainly the fact that they are insane, and that they extremely dislike being ordered around.
Heck, a main factor as to why the Laughing Skull defected against the Iron Horde was because having to follow the Iron Horde’s goals meant that it’d be more time trying to take over universes, and less time stabbing monsters in the face over and over until they’re an unrecognizable bloodied pulp! And you just can’t let that stand.

The last really “notable” thing is that the Laughing Skull is possibly the way they are because of the extremely harsh and dangerous natural state that Gorgrond is in. A lot of things there can cause you to go mad.

If you do not wish to play a Warrior, a Rogue using venoms collected from the aforementioned Ravagers, a hunter who’s tamed one of Gorgrond’s great beasts, or a Shaman who got his powers from the constant feud between elements and nature that goes on in Gorgrond are also keen choices. My suggestion for classes to avoid would be Monks and Priests. Never in a million years would a Laughing Skull have enough serenity or focus for something like that.

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Primarily due to their puddle deep social interactions leading people to jump straight into inelegant depictions of “funny” and “cool” insanity, something that’s already offensively abused by some, emulating the Joker or being completely random and unpredictable without expecting nor accepting of consequences.

Those things aren’t conducive to a working roleplay environment and having a whole clan of orcs run around being disruptive, abusive and casually cruel at random with relative anonymity because of their masks rightfully earned prominent players a poor reputation in WoD for a lot of roleplayers and stained the clan for years to come.

Thanks for the help everybody.

As for the reasons why RP skulls are disliked I totally understand that and if I ever do RP al make sure to remember such things.

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Laughing Skulls are best RPed as sociopathic rather than completely wahoo im the joker baby insane, it’s just not believable, an entire clan of orcs couldnt survive a place like Gorgrond if they were just doing a stand up comedy act 24/7. Not to mention from the quest texts we can see that Kaz and others are completely coherent, they’re not mentally deficient, they know what’s going on around them and react accordingly.

Here are a few little known things from flavour text and quest text.

  1. They use Goren’s teeth as blades for their weapons
  2. Kaz the Shrieker remarks that with the right incentive they can turn anyone into a laughing skull, maybe implying that they allow orcs from other clans to join if they are willing.
  3. They learned how to create a reliable food source using the Botani’s super seeds
  4. A lot of them including Kaz the Shrieker are shamans, this is due to the nature of their natural enemy the Botani being weak to fire, Laughing Skull shamans specialise in that element due to that
  5. They burn the bodies of their fallen, but keep their mask.
  6. This one is a bit of a longshot but if you’ve seen the Warcraft movie you’ll notice all of the Laughing Skull wear masks resembling humanoid skulls, so it’s perhaps safe to assume they will create masks out of other orcs or ogres
  7. As well as being shaman they’re quite cunning assassins

Classes I would say would be, Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, or Shaman

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