Laughing Skull (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

  • Kim - Gnome - Warrior
  • Desire

Ended up playing on Ashrbinger EU PvP :slight_smile:

My name is Koopa there, gnome Rogue.

If you want to get in contact buu511#2685

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funny to see so many familiar names.

i played in mythica - desire( tbc time during TK and vashj) - then joined somnia wich i moved to sylvanas with but sorta died a year or 6 ago i think. then no interest in the game rly.
i played a lot with some ppl i stil have in my friendslist but 1 person i did most with i lost track during his transfer to horde kazzak Fenixray paladin !!
i believe he had a brother playing too.

auction house was my favorite place to play :slight_smile:

DrAnus aka Scrooge dwarf hunter
DrPnus Warrior

Scrooge#2730 just add if ya know me

Hey man! Nice to hear from a friendly face :slight_smile: I have lost touch with rest of the bunch but i hope we can reconnect. Plan to start playing classic in a week or so :slight_smile:

Hi !
Played in PL most of my time here.
Trying to log in so no clue what server i will end up on.
PL peploe are welcome to add me BlueRaven#2540


Played character Yuni, NE druid in guild Desire from MC/BWL times to Naxx. Looking for old Desire members to chat with! Anyone remembers how many bosses we downed in Naxx? My memory is hazy :smiley:

Currently playing on Ten Storms Horde due to queues if any of you are there as well.

Feel free do add me Rikkuh#2604.

Edit: Any of my fellow Desire druids still out there? Nen, Valandu, Baransu, Arthras?

Rull NE hunter
CL of Desire, and guild nature totem for green dragons

Edit: ended up on judgement, Kerrah, alliance druid
I’ll be happy if you stop by and say Hi
Tag: Putcher#21292


Ezreal here. I used to play on Laughing Skull since the launch. If Rhonda or Donkhunter see this, message me! (Anyone else who recognizes me can message too! Those just happen to be the only names I remember.)


I remember Rhonda and dunkhunter, too! And Tikka of course, though I changed characters so often, noone will remember me :crazy_face:.
Do you remember Kahlil, the tank?

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Heyoooo! I was also born on Laughing Skull. Tikka, Donkhunter, Rhonda, Raelthorne, Nylon, Kobo and his wife, Taninn, Lightwater, Kahlil, Nachtmond, and many more in the guild Addicted, where you at peeps? I was mostly on my lock Soraia, or pala Gilgamesch/Qvixote. Also raided on my shaman Merina with Ming.

Biktop#2661 hit me up! Talk to you soon hopefully

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Noo way! ADDICTED was the name of the guild! And all those names you mentioned I remember! Wow, just wow. I will add you asap!

!! Yes I do! I’ll add you asap as well so we can have a chat!

i remember you being in somnia some years ago.
called ya horny corny back then.
you had a hunter in that big guild then i remember but other server.
i used the nick DrAnus back then probely with my hunter.

Alkandro - Human paladin! Would love to catch up with old friends :slight_smile:

Played both pvp and pve.

Hey Corny! Lampje here. I was with you in Risen.

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Oh damn nice. Hey Lampje, you have to give me your ID :slight_smile:
I’m no’t very active last few weeks but i will be bak soon!

Night elf male rogue
Forgot guild name. I was a social player a lot of BG. I played with a paladin named Gtsteen would be awesome to catch up!

Awesome times indeed!

Sting here from Last Wish
Currently playing Classic at Gehennas horde (Badang, warlock).

Feel free to add me at Badang#1940

  • Shealth, Night Elf Rogue
  • Risen / Desire
  • Bunch of fellas from both Risen and Desire, had a blast playing with ya guys. Early morning premades with Last Wish, slaying those PRC in Arathi Basin. Damn. It was some good times.

Oh, and anyone remembers the epic duel between Junrau and Cabbarnuke? One of the most memorable moments of Laughing Skull. Everyone outside of Orgrimmar. Both Alliance and Horde. It was quite close to TBC launch at that time. It was quite a long-drawn duel, where Cabbarnuke would use most of his engineering gadgets while Junrau was the most geared shaman on the server. They were fighting for who was the best shaman and for who’d continue to be the leader of Focus (I might remember it wrong), but hell – the tension was real. The video is out there somewhere lurking – but nowhere to be found.

Throw me a message on Bnet if you guys are still jamming would love to screenshots from that time: Cable#2613

Howdy and bump,
Found this post due to the release of the anniversary realms.

Char: Bluewar / NE Druid
Guild: Mythica

Ended up on Ravencrest playing a paladin since cata.
I even have the old guild message in my macro’s:

‘Historical Mythica progress (i.e. done at the correct level)
ZG: Clear
MC: Clear
BWL: Clear
AQ20: Clear
AQ40: Killed up to C’thun
Naxxramas: Killed Anub’Rekan, Instructor Razuvious
(progress halted by pre-TBC patch - everyone went PvP for welfare epics!)’

Battlenet: #Naaru21694

P.S. shout-out to the gnome mage called ‘Boonk’, he introduced me to my all-time favorite music genre :smiley: (think he quit in TBC).