In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Laughing Skull in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Xenomorph - Level 60 Male Human Warlock.
Last Wish Guild - Officer / Raid Leader
13/15 Naxx during Vanilla - All Other Content Cleared.
Hoping to find any players from Last Wish that I’ve lost contact with! Axi, Stormhorn, Kathgar, Freewarlord, Freelong, Manifold, Remius, Naklor. I could go on for ever. Basically, if you were in Last Wish, then I’d love to chat! How I miss raiding, frantically getting people online for Green Dragon spawns, whilst slapping down PRC and Gnome Pest Control Inc, tanking Twin Emps after all the SR farming, progressing further into Naxx after finally getting our C’Thun kill, telling the hunters how bad they are at DPS after ninja joining their Hunter guild class channel 
Hope everyone enjoys Classic as much as I plan to, and I hope if anyone reads this that you are well! Feel free to contact me anytime.
Battlenet ID : Xenomorph#2228
Online a lot, so make sure to leave me a message if I’m not there. I’ll reply ASAP.
Hope everyone finds some long lost friends again!
Chris / Xenomorph.
Nervtre Level 60 Human Paladin
Were in a few various guilds (Prodigy/Desire and a few more)
Just checking to see if there are any old people whom i used to play with still around.
Feel free to add my bnet since i won’t be checking this regulary: Nervtre#2426
Hey there,
Posh - Level 60 Gnome Warrior
Premade -Guild Leader
We did only pvp on the server back in the days. Me together with Rockya, Valandu, Goku, Friktansverd and Katiez(from Randoms) are coming back as Horde this time.
Feel free to add me if you want to catch up and play with us 
Corny, Sexy nighelf Legendary priest, if anyone still remembers me 
Guild: Risen/Phoneix Legacy
Not sure how active i will be yet but i will try how it feels to go back in time.
I Remember you were very popular 
Name: Ashi
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
i only remember the guild leader of the one of the guilds i was in, Tikka human Rogue.
After that i didnt rly had a guild i think.
For a while i was a succesfull 20 man pug leader with top tier players! knew some of the ppl at Desire/The reckoning Last Wish and Reclaimed.
Amok the gnome rogue from Reclaimed here.
Classic and the nostalgia rush is calling me once again, no idea about faction/class.
Some familiar names on this thread already 
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Looking for Dser Night elf Rogue
Vigo human paladin from Desire. Still in the guild, keeping it alive!
Also played in Phoneix Legacy aswell.
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Badgeri, GM of Reclaimed. Reclaimed is playing again on Shazzrah and as horde this time, ping me ingame!
The name rings a bell. Was in Risen as well back in the days - Tulip, human paladin. Was hoping for more posts on the forum
But on the other hand i am glad i remember most of the people that posted 
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Meyrin - NE Hunter
Going to be playing fairly casually on Firemaw* Horde and just checking in to see if any old friends will be playing again.
Switched to firemaw, who wants to deal with 4-5 hour long Qs.
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Prohx (Dwarf Paladin) 
Prohx #2464
Liyand, Night elf Priest,
Gm: was Presha, and there was Blaza, tulip, Calisto, anduin… and some others i dont remember
Remeber been in two guilds by the name of Reborn, Reclaimed
Please contact!!!
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evening m8… you’re there after all these years…
Presha, Blaza, you, Anduin, Calisto… omg… im crying here to get back my best wow vanilla days
Hope to hear from you soon
<- Raythor, Human Paladin from Last Wish !
Glad to see many familiar faces here! Especially the people from Last Wish! Spending most of my dumb teenage years with you guys was great fun 
#DClerig1255 if anyone wants to talk! I’m not sure what server to play at yet.
Hey guys!
Sangoh, NE Hunter, Phoenix Legacy. If any of you guys wants to catch up gimme a /w Revan#22266
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Enk, Gnome Warlock.
Did some raiding in the guild Artifact. Remember another warlock called something like Insignia recruited me.
Had a lot of fun on in game and on ventrilo, but unfortunately can’t remember that many names from that time 
Spent some time in Alterac Valley and had a few hordies on KoS list 
Remember meeting one of those horde players when I was in the army, but can’t remember his name of course.