Lava burst?!?

What did they do to lava burst??? This new animation looks awful. Feels way less impactful than before…

Please give back the old one, or at least a glyph to change the effect back


True , i dont like the new one , it kinda looks realy lazy designed.

On the old one you realy felt like your are shooting a molten rock at the enemies , it even traced a parth of molten stone along the way.

Hopefully they give us a glyph for the old one.


New looks like orange juice shooter.
They should add the old animation glyph just like they did with the ascendance.

They did us dirty

The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on

Swap class and take the L on this one. Highly doubt they will do something about it. I always was an ele enthusiast because of the old Lava burst but now its time to kiss it goodbye

For me lava burst should always be spalsh damage and putting dot also since its lava, hit main target and any target around and give differet dot then flame shock

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sorry but what u are saying has nothing to do with the topic of the forum

so is your exactly comment above mine and below my comment :slight_smile:

Lava is lava red yellow or pink orange doesn’t matter it still look good and modern no need for moans

Wrong. The topic on the forum has to do with the animation. You were talking about the fact that it should do splash damage and a dot, which doesn’t have to do anything with the animation, but rather with the damage breakdown.

You now say on your later comment that you apparently don’t care about the animation, which just means you disagree with what the OP is saying which is fine, since its a subjective opinion :slight_smile:

I think it looks good.

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