Layering alternative to queue times:

Apologies if this has already been suggested, but it seems to me that queues are at their worst during popular raid times. Obviously.

The reasoning for not increasing server populations further is to do with limited in-game resources and economy.

Surely, very simply, not counting those in raid instances towards the server population limit would completely solve all issues? They are not contributing to the world economy in any way, simply playing at pre-arranged times with guildies in an instanced location.

Where on earth did you get that wrong idea?

And when they come out of the raid and go farm for pots?

You come across quite aggressive. It’s perfectly possible that I’m referring to something you don’t know about, so go in with an open mind rather than the assumption you’re right.

Kaivax said it as part of a blue post:

Then they get added onto the realm population and queues start if necessary. It would hugely mitigate the problem as many do simply log out. It’s a very logical assumption: queues are before common raid times, not an hour or 2 later.

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