Layering and Warmode

More than once in BfA have I gone to a zone to only see Alliance or only see Horde players.

I asked around for what it was and people told me it was something called “layering”. Supposedely layerin works like servers but crossrealm (If I understood it correctly) but right now they seem extremely buggy and not working like they should.

This doesnt only ruin WPvP but also questing and doing WQ, as you hardly find anyone to group up with or simply losing pvp because the “layer” you’re on is 90% ally or horde.

Why did they even remove PvP/PvE servers to begin with?
All I see now is people abusing Wmode just for the extra loot, not because they want actual WPvP, and that is really sad to see.

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Shards innit?

If you were Alliance…

Do you regularly WPvP for the FUN of it? Alliance Defence Force WPvP community and/or guild needs you!

Or see list of Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities.

Exterminate them until they wm off, pvp solution :relaxed:

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