2nd day running where while I’m doing an event in the outdoor world, halfway through progress I randomly seem to get layered into another layer and lose all progress towards that event and the event appears at another location on the map. Is this something new or normal? never experienced it on retail
What event is it? If it’s the hunts for example they have a timer before they expire. I’ve been caught out with that a few times where you join a hunt then in the middle of it and it just despawns and you loose all progress because the timer expired and it went to new location. The timer is actually at the top of your screen but took me a whle to realise that it was there.
The storms are the same, they are up for two hours at a time, but there’s no timer displayed for them. Though those are not so bad as the progress is tracked in the achievements.
Retail uses a system called sharding which has introduced (IIRC) back in Warlords of Drenor. It has some similarities with Classic’s layering but is more agressive in balancing populations.
It is possible to jump shards while in zone (Normally it happens when you change zones) but it’s pretty rare unless a zone is overpopulated. In my experience I’ve only had it happen on day 1/2 of a new patch when the game is much busier that is is currently.
That said as Ráevelyn says some events are on times and do move naturally as their timers run out. If you care to share the name of the event that is causing issues we can probably say if that’s the case here.