There is a reason why ppl wanted to play on full servers because it has activity!, now our full servers are dead medium low pop , because this lockdown! we in golemagg we never needed layers, if the ppl or Queues are too big , we had made desicion to play on full server , if we dont like it we switch to lower one or cry on forums , but dont up the rest of players who actually enjoy play on full server! Please Unlock the Paid transfers ASAP! <3
It sure is nice comming back from a months brake just to see our realm has been legit MURDERED
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferrably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferrably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
Can blizzard listen to their community and make it so you can transfer to gehennas or any other servers that you can’t server transfer to at the moment. Legit servers are dying and it’s not good for the game. People want to transfer to certain types of realms just listen to your community and stop ignoring us or at least say something.
Remove layers from small servers you idiots.
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
Open transfer!
But atleast give us an update!
temporary is now almost 4 months btw and my realm dropped from “full” to medium cause nobody want to play on layered realm
Amen brother
As a proud Gehennas player I stand by this statement
Please open servers for transfers so that you can atleast transfer to realms where you already have characters created, or lvl 60 characters even… I left my “main” realm with my main character when the queues where too high and I deeply regret my decision and now I want to play with my friends again.
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
@neith when you say open transfers with existing characters on that server. A guy could just make a fresh char and then they can abuse it? so why not just write open transfers for all its basically the same.
It’s medium because the pop cap is twice as high with layers. Remove layers and it’s back to full and queues again.
How do people still not get this…
Imho layers can stay, atleast now when world buffs will pop on both layers - this probably means that layers is here to stay until long after AQ release. But I see no reasoning behind the decision to allow character creation on these realms but no character transfers - I really wish they would open up character transfer as well, I’m betting its just not me who regret their decision to change realm.
Open transfer for people with existing characters on that server.
Preferably reduce the amount of layers.
But atleast give us an update!
Ffs that should be done since a while now! opening character creation but not transfer it’s damn stupid ! what the hell blizzard is thinking? use brains while you work !damnt
Yet you wrote open transfers to people with existing chars on that server sounds dumb too. Why not just say open to All servers its the same.
you are right let me update the msg