Layout - Edit Mode resets on launch, entering dungeons etc

My layout keeps resetting every time I log in or enter/leave a dungeon. Any ideas why this is happening or how to stop it? As soon as I open edit mode it sets the layout back to my configured one.

Currently running a macro as work around at the moment so I don’t have to press escape, press edit mode and escape again.

“/script ShowUIPanel(EditModeManagerFrame)
/run HideUIPanel(EditModeManagerFrame)”

The usual cause of this, is no write permission for the relevant folders, meaning your layout configuration can’t be saved.

  1. Check the permissions of all the folders and sub-folders.
  2. Run the game as Administrator.
  3. Don’t install the game in weird locations where it wasn’t really designed to be installed.

Have you saved the layout as a profile and selected that as the active layout?

The other possible cause is that the files that save that info in the Saved Vars folder are in read only mode.

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