Learn dungeons before doing keys

How is it possible that so many people jump into keys without having the slightest clue as to what the dungeons do. And I’m not talking about low keys but a bit higher ones around +16.

If anyone reading this can identify with this, stay AWAY from anything above +2,3 until you know what to do. Do everyone a favor :slight_smile:

bro what is 2,3k
even ppl having 2,7 are not the greatest

My guy it says +2,3 as key level not 2.3k rating.

Specifically for Twisting Nether? Why here?

so how cen learn never accept intro key start whit mean sure watch 100 vidoes but by doing keys learn more improve low keys learn progress group for keys plan out routs so on

Yeah, I can watch the videos but you won’t know the dance until you do it. Just play a level at a time and keep working on it. I need to go gently, wiring my brain is tricky with new dungeons :slight_smile:

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