Least Played Class / WoW Dragonlfight

Hi All,

I was wondering what would be the least played class currently. Im not interested in the spec but the class. Let me know what you think. In my opinion it would be the Monk and Evoker.

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Worgen Monk reporting for duty.


Given remix is around the corner, I think monks are going to see a surge…


In M plus this shows class popularity

I’m actually surprised that holy beats disc at higher keys, it used to be that disc was played more, lol.

i would say rogues. not so many around.


From this I would think Rogue, DK and Shaman are the least played classes. They have one each wider represented specs but the rest is not really.

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sub rogues. Were are they.?

I do not think that you can find data that is a 100% accurate, but the last one I saw on data of azeroth had evoker on top of the least played list, followed by Rogue, Monk, DK and then Shaman in that order.

That and also their TWW rework should bring the numbers up.

Found this:

Sounds about right.

Brewmaster Monk? I’ve come across one in the entire season

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You mean I am going to learn how to play WW monk and then enter TWW and be completely confused? :disappointed:

Mmm, no, I don’t think so… you’ll still benefit from learning the playstyle/feel of a monk, it stays true to that. There are some YT vids you could check out but I guess you’re probably avoiding spoilers :slightly_smiling_face:

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Rogues are rare, it seems. I have an Outlaw Alt that I do enjoy but it does feel like I’m working twice as hard to match the performance of my Hunter which doesn’t really feel worth it in an M+ context. TWW removing Shadow Dance for 2 charges of Vanish on Outlaw at least means I’m pressing one less key bind.

Whilst I love Data for Azeroth, it only has data for those that have pulled it. Also you can only have one evoker per realm.

I frequently update my own data but I know plenty who don’t use the site even in my own circle of friends.

Raider IO data that I linked is obviously based on Mythic plus, so it’s also a limited source. I should probably hunt if there is one for raids.

I really wish Blizz would give us info like this somewhere. They are the ones with the data.

Yes, but other than the Evoker there’s no huge and obvious bias. M+ data is obviously biased in favour of who play M+ - which is why mage is so high. If you look at mages in PvP they are waaaaaaay further down. Like 2nd-3rd from the bottom, and in raids we’re middle of the pack in terms of number of parses. But it’s because there’s an exaggerated external feedback from class balance.

The data I gave is not complete, no, but it’s most likely a lot less biased - because any type of player might install the addon. It’s likely to be more biased in favour of hardcore players, but not much.

The bias is in who actually uses the site.

And how does “who uses the site” correlate with “which class does this person play”?

That’s the key point. It’s easy to see how “what classes play M+” can correlate with “what’s a good class to play in M+?” - which is why I’m calling it out as a bad source.

Both are biased. That is my point.

One works on the basis of who has pulled their data. And I’m not sure how many actually use Data for Azeroth.

The other is based purely on M plus data so just that portion of the playerbase.

Both suffer with the same problem. They are just selective. Neither are full representation.

Hence I wish Blizzard actually did this kind of stuff as an infographic somewhere even if it wasn’t actually publishing precise numbers.