Leatherworking leveling

I am at skill level 60, all the known patterns don’t give skill points anymore and the trainers have nothing to teach me left. What to do?

Fierce Armor kit can push you to 70s. You get the recipe from doing grand hunts. So does the Gnoll Tent toy can also get you to 70s.

Blue quality profession gear grant 1 point each. You unlock the recipes by farming renown for Tuskaar and Maruuk.
epic recipes grant 3 points each.

If you spend knowledge points in Leatherworking Discipline then Bonding and Stitching, and also Primordial Leatherworking then Bestial Primary, you would be able to craft profession accessories and the bow at high quality. So work order you way with that.

Buy all 4 pvp patterns (infurious). They should be dirt cheap on the AH, and there are many pvp players who are asking for them, and they don’t care about quality since it’s max ilevl in pvp anyway.
Each of those crafts will give you 3 skill points per craft till 100.

Buy infurious patterns and camp orders

Basically these things. Although you are now limited to 4 orders/1 per day so you might want to advertise in trade chat for free crafts on these things that still have skill/first craft bonus for you for free. Should get some attention and you never know, if you get a high proc someone might tip you some gold via mail afterwards anyway :slight_smile:

Craft orders from alts having sparks also works nicely when leveling LW.

OK thanks for the tips.
Another question:
Does max level skill give you something? It seems I can learn any pattern I come across already and there is nothing more to learn from trainers.
Is there a point in getting to lvl 100 or is it only for the achievement?

It increases your skill giving u ability to craft better quality items.

Every recipe has a difficulty with break points determining which quality you can craft.

For example let’s say a sword recipe has 300 difficulty.

  • if your skill is less than 25% (< 75 skill) you craft the sword with rank 1 (proc rank 2 with inspiration).
  • if your skill is less than 50% (< 150 skill) you craft the sword with rank 2 (proc rank 3 with inspiration).
  • if your skill is less than 75% (< 225 skill) you craft the sword with rank 3 (proc rank 4 with inspiration).
  • if your skill is less than 100% (< 300 skill) you craft the sword with rank 4 (proc rank 5 with inspiration).
  • if your skill is 100% or more (>= 300 skill) you craft the sword with rank 5 guaranteed.

Now you can get a max of 100 skill by levelling the profession. Also an additional 22 skill from having the best crafting tools and accessories.

Using rank 3 materials will also provide you with 25% of the base recipe difficulty. That’s an additional 75 skill.

That’s a total of 197 skill you can get by levelling the profession, rank 3 materials and accessories. Which is only enough to craft a rank 2 sword (proc rank 3 with inspiration).

And this is where the profession skill trees come into play. If you spent enough points in the weapons tree, the bladed weapons subtree, and the swords/warglaives subtree, and the general tree, you will have enough skill points to craft rank 4 (and proc rank 5 with inspiration) or even guarantee rank 5.

But that’s speaking of the basic sword. Without custom stats, embellishment or primal infusion. Each of these when used add to difficulty of the recipe, and therefore add to the skill required.

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