Leave the H vs H bg's in, take the 5man premade limit out!

You seem to not understand the idea that whether you remove a class ability or mess with racials, in either case class balance is going to get affected. You speak as if your way is the right and only way, making me smh once again, thx for that. Let me just say that its good that you have absolutely no say in balancing this game.

So currently we have a class+race+faction balance and no action is needed?

Defenition: I am not talking about class A vs Class B balance, it had never existed in WoW in 1vs1 encounter.
Just class A of Alliance vs Class A of Horde balance.

Currently we have a 15-year-old game which is what it is. If you want to make major changes such as you propose then please feel free to go to retail where changes are being made by the day.

Then Blizz shouldn’t had added boosts, made Megaservers, or presented HvH at all.

Now you can ask yourself, is class balance somehow changed due to those changes? Yeah didnt think so.

If terms of quality no, it didn’t. In terms of quantity yes I see far more forsaken and Orcs in any matchups due to changes I mentioned.

Yes that is true, but people have always had and always should have the option to choose their race. And no, punishing players who are playing a major race is not a viable option as it only makes those people who cant handle the punishment either leave the game or roll other race (against their will, to be able to play the game) further promoting the ratio of casual players amongst the “weaker” races.

And as mentioned, changing the core aspects of the game just is not acceptable, maybe in TBCC+ if there ever will be one.

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