Leave the H vs H bg's in, take the 5man premade limit out!

That’s just my 2 cents! I don’t see how anyone would support a change that prevents benefiting from organization. I think that’s what the whole MMO genre is about - If you’re too lazy to make a premade yourself just sit behind farm in ghost form (or stables if you’re alliance). Meeting a lot of premades? Tough luck, those people aren’t lazy and they take 10-15 mins to form a group which makes their BGs 100% leecher free!

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Have you looked at the other threads? Did you have to open a new one? Out of the top 5 threads or so 3 are on this topic.

Anyway, to hijack this thread:

  • Premades only play against other Premades and get bonus Bg-objective honor
  • Same faction BGs enabled
  • No racials in Arenas and BGs (not even priest racial spells!)

There, those were my 2 cents. :slight_smile:


5 man group limit should stay here forever unless they implement solo queue, in which case premades are more than welcome to fight other premades.

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I wouldn’t mind having a premade vs premade system, but come on dude… blizzard is not putting any resources into this game, they can’t even ban bots. Do you really think they will be bothered to re-make the bg matchmaking system?

I don’t think a Premade vs Premade system would require more resources than enabling Horde vs Horde battlegrounds.

You said matchmaking, I only meant: “2 premades queued up? Let them fight each other.”
No “ranking” or anything.

Im all in on this, but remove druids lifebloom spell, its too OP. While youre at it remove cloak of shadows and ice lance, thatll shift the meta quite a bit. :slight_smile:

Just level a druid and stop crying allready. Noone going to make major changes in class balance in recreation of original game.

It’s not about being lazy. Some people wanna play for fun and not get shouted at by some sweat on discord.

PogOff with premades

Instead they could remove the clownfiesta 5s is and add RBG in my opinion.

If they do so, noone makes premade. They did it for twinks at retail and twink vs twink queues are dead. The main point of premading is easy and free honor farm for alliance. They dont want to meet other premades, thats why they cry 7/24 here for no same-faction bg.

Personally i dont que as a horde. Nonstop hellfire peninsula low level gank is much more lucrative honorwise and fun :slight_smile:

Honestly, if they just want easy honor farm, just put an NPC somewhere where they can “sign up”, triggering something like a ready check and after every raid member clicked the button they get 100 honor.
1 Premade crushing 4 or 5 random groups that waited 1 hour for a BG is such a big net-negative for fun, just give them their pvp gear for free if necessary.

If they bring back HvH and cut out the limit, both factions will be able to premade.
Altough i`m not a big fan, of the compromise of letting horde players que against each other since they decided to roll that faction knowing that will be overcrowded, because guess what? Alliance racials suck!

On my server there is about twice as much alliance as there is horde. Can I get alliance queues now? I don’t see why population size of the factions should matter.
Even on PvP servers, I imagine the only place where it really matters is on summoning stones, everything else in world pvp is just about how many people are there and who is busy fighting an elite / low on mana or health at the time the fight starts.
I imagine if you run around with 3 people as alliance and kill unsuspecting questing horde players the total faction population doesn’t matter, your fights are 3v1.

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Tell it to the guy whos suggesting the removal of racials and priest racial abilities in PvP! Oh btw you look familiar, didnt you have that horrible suggestion about double racials? Yeah I guess thats not a major change lmao.

Yes, it was my topic about mirror racials. However my suggestion was not class related, but about overall racials rebalance using existing abilities aka minimal intrusion into existing content. I didn’t suggested anything about priest abilities, that is another topic.

Here I wrote about class balance and specifically about any class abilities, like lifebloom, alterations not happening. If Blizzard alters classes, people who rolled them due to meta will mass riot and quit, dooming Classic project.

Altering racials affects indirectly to class balance, I would figure with all your contributions to this topic youd know that. Give wotf to more races? Boom wlocks, priests, warrs nerfed. Give stoneform to more classes? Boom classes with bleeds, poisons, diseases nerfed. See how that works now? smh

I must say I really enjoyed NOT TO MEET 15m premades. Or 10m premades.

Every game felt suddenly playable and you were able to organize PUGs on the chat… I had many games I felt they are lost but ppl listened and we were somehow able to Win. With premades, you just get stomped - what’s the point?

Premades should be rated stuff (not here) or Premades should face Premades for some extra reward/challenge.

My winrate got much better, definitely close 50:50 and that’s fine.

If more PvPers would had wanted to have WotF they would create more forsaken and they did so with boosts in TBC start.

It didn’t made it easier for warlocks, priests or warriors (not that these classes struggle too much in TBC PvP anyway), but it did add more forsaken to Horde side.

My mirror racials suggestion just spreads WotF equally among both factions, but the number of player rerolling for this racial wouldn’t change. Everybody just wouldn’t roll to the Horde and that was to point of my proposed change.

Had you suggested mirror racials for same races which can be used to make the same classes, then your point would be valid. But no, you suggested the addition of extra racials on top of the existing ones, meaning that the explained class balance would be changed.

Actually lets take a look at your proposal while we at it shall we:

Oh yeah, paladins can totally have wotf atm, right? Smh. And roflmao now I realized you even tried to combine 2 op racials for humans and giving undead shadowmeld KEKMAO man KEKMAO. At least you shouldve had the gut to give each side exact mirror racials instead of that bs. smh for the last time I hope.

I had another post of full mirror racials.

You seem to dislike particular race/class combo idea. True, noone is going to take paladins from humans or give em to Forsaken, but in Wrath paladins had EMFH ability more powerfull and broken, than current WotF.
And Horde paladins still have AoE silence that no Alliance paladin can get even with my full Mirror racials idea. Same goes with druids and other classes.

To achieve ideal class+race balance you need to add combinations that were not introduced even with Cataclysm.