Leaving epic battlegrounds

Should result in a 12 debuff. This crazy leaving going on is helping nobody. Or like a guy said a permanent title “Deserter” of the alliance/horde. And should never be able to remove it.

Quitters in game, quitters in life.

I think that there should be a bigger penalty than 15min, maybe it should be account wide to start with and see how it goes.

Recently I have now an egg timer next to me, and unless its around the expected que time I just rejoin que because if I didnt 90% of the time I would join a losing bg.

Normally alot leave after first battle is lost, I stay because at times the bg is turned around, and also dont play this lock as much but there is always room to improve, and its always a challenge.

The downside of harsher punishments is Ashran the other day on a winning side I had a DC, BY and complete router and comp reboot which was quick, but out of time and I ended with a deserter buff.

Premades are part of the problem as well, people join for fun 20 to 30 mins being chased round the map in an epic isnt fun, but also there is a massive gap in bg experience, and just in simple things like changing seats in seige to cannon in isle, or taking seige straight under keep cannons to be destroyed in seconds.

Yeah let’s brand people with a cattle iron if their baby cries, or an emergency occurs, hell even if they don’t have fun.

Toasted idea.


Yes i’m all for it but only under the condition that the title Premadeclown of the Alliance/Horde will be forced upon people as well :kissing_heart:
A lot of people would be in for a shock.


I think the current system is fine. It doesn’t penalise you too much for leaving, but at the same time it is deterrent enough to discourage you from leaving without valid reason.

Keep in mind one thing: if the sanctions for leaving a BG are too harsh, people will not go “oh well guess I will stay and try to win”. They will afk, stay dead or sabotage the team effort to get the BG over with. Same if they need to do something irl, they will just park their char somewhere and do what they need to do.

With the current system you at least get (reluctant) replacements when you are losing.


It should be a stacking buff first time 15 Min - then 30 min And it needs to be account wide so they can’t hop like they now do. Since making alts and gearing is easy now with war bands.

After 5/6 leaving, they should have a GM look into the behavior for later improvements.


This is legit the best and only answer.

Without premades yes, good idea.
But as long bgs are plagued with premades it could kill bgs even more when people are forced to stay against them.


So the 15 min stacking debuff should also apply to those declining BG’s while trying to sync. If people are going to be punished for not wanting to face the same old sync premades then it’s only fair that those perpetrating the sync premades face the same punishment. One causes the other, fix that and the other becomes way less frequent.


next threat after this was implemented: “20 ppl afk in base after first lose bli$$ do something”

Then we report them and also get Stacking debuff that’s how it should work if you never report AFK people that’s not than sad.

Three lost Isle of conquest. Loosing hangar 2 times. About 15 people leave instantly. No penalty for leaving at all. That small debuff you get is not enough. Atleast 1 hour debuff, and it should be on entire account. So you can’t switch toons. This qutting is a level of stupid it hurts the game.

Keep saying this, If they won’t leave and regroup you could win it for real we do it many times, but they all CBA and leave we really need more punishment on Leavers.

Could kill it the same when having to enter 30% of games which have already started, by people leaving a bg, be it against a premade or because the team lost the first battle. the latter are soo pathetic I would ban those for 6 months.

Gonna rename one of my characters to this, just to spite the criers


First this is a horrible take.
Second Leaving against a premade is the most adequate thing.
and third:
You’re just here to vent, and we are here to discuss ideas.
We are not the same.
Have a horrible day , sir.

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First, you obivously enjoy people leaving all the time.
Second, you love playing with quitters.
Third, you are here to vent that you love quitters.
We are not the same.
Have a glorious day.

Nothing should happen to how leaving BGs works now. 15min debuff on character basis is fine.

No , We lose games because of leavers, that’s why,

Not my problem.
I will leave BGs that are either unwinnable or unfun, and there’s nothing blizzard will do about it.