Leaving m+ keys

already answered this like 4 times…

Blizzard could easily implement a similar system such as Raider IO, but I doubt this would fit their design philosophy of giving everybody a fair chance at something.

Giving players more room to be nitpicky using the default interface (albeit a score or LFG options), will probably hurt the game more than it would improve it. I would guess 15-30% of the players use RIO, giving similar tools to the rest of the playerbase would only overcomplicate group forming which in turn causes an even greater portion of the playerbase to be sidetracked.

So I would understand if Blizzard doesn’t implement a system like it.

cuz im not wasting my time for 2 hours in a dead key that doesn’t give me anything whatsoever.

Oh hello there elitist. As someone already stated - forming a group is a time consumpting thing. So if you say at the very beginning that you’ll leave if it is not in time it just show your bad attitude and how horrible you are.
Would you be OK if you had 15+ key and someone will leave it in the middle? It would mean, your key would be downgraded and you get no loot as you won’t be able to finish it. And not helping others with lower keys? Well sorry - why have you joining a guild then? Do you think you’re just some kind of a god and all attention is yours?
Well - why is it considered a d*** move? Cause you’re a d*** elitist.

And btw. the rio is the worst thing that could ever happen to wow. It ruined everything. First of all, many high scored players are boosted and carried through instances and know nothing.

And that’s why I play dungeon mostly with my guild mates even lower keys. I’d rather have some social fun. In the end, all your scores and ilvl doesn’t matter - you have no real advantage from it.


as many me included have replied to this argument too…

absolutely terrifying… you shivering yet?

already answered this one… you will feel really low iq finding out the answer to this one… xD

and this one has been answered too and somany people said this already…

heh i wish

it is a problem that is on top of a alot of other problems, and as superficial as you can get… if you would actually play the game, you would understand why rio is only a symptom and not the disease…

ye that needs some sitation … how many? how do you know?

you mean “only” not “even”?

good for you!

nothing matters…

So its an imperfect system but its better than no information.

Person A has no experience and says “Trust me m8 im gr8” (I can confidently say, chances are he aint).
Person B seems to complete a decent amount of dungeons at a reasonable level, i saw this through raiderio

Without extensive background checks, an audit and some practical tests, person B is more likely to be the better candidate. Most of the time this will prove true. There will always be excpetions.

By extension we can say rio is useful.

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  1. a great number of players want to receive loot at the end of the run
  2. want this run to count towards the M+ chest at the end of the week
  3. some players/guildies half-boost other guildies (eg you have 4 players at 460+ and 1 player at 410)
  4. because unless you have wiped 100 times and cannot possibly complete, many players want to finish what they started
  5. because “leavers” are considered the cancer of M+ runs since the very bad M+ design allows a single player to completely destroy a run and spoil it for 4 others.
  6. many other reasons I cannot even think right now

wow thank you this really opened my eyes to a possible solution !!!


**WHAT if you could swap out people if someone left the timer would automaticly go to 0 and you could just invite someone to finish the run with? **

** Wouldnt that be the perfect solution for everyone? omg i think i just hit the goldvein idea!**

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I do believe not a lot of players buy boosts for all dungeons.
Most boosted players I saw have 1 or 2 +15s timed and the rest is way below that and their overall RIO is pretty trash.

RIO can also show you if somebody did 2 15s++ dungeons then you know for sure that he is boosted.

You can also find it if somebody really only bought boosts, you can check the history easily. Usual dungeons he does vs. the super fast time 15s he did once a week.

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MoP had


Unless you ninja looted in pre ptach to WoD which bought in Mythic and different loot system but how did you manage to ninja from a mainly guild group ? As PL came in ?

Lol…so many booster services spamming in trade the entire day… then you visit Gallywix Discord which has 40k in that Discord… sure nobody is buying boosts KEKW

  1. The leaver wanted to time the instance. You decided dying non stop and topping at 20k dps was enough to reach your goal. You CBA to think about other ppls goals.
  2. See point 1.
  3. That sounds like a full boost to me. I see cases like that a lot…where i am 50-70k dps with the rest being at 20k dps. You basicly ruin anyones incentive that tries to play to to time the instance. As long as you get your loot, right?
  4. Lets imagine youre incentive is to time dungeon runs to get your Rio up. You have about 2 hours to play that night. You join a run that looks ok at a first glance but ends up being a wipefest. You lost any incentive to play that way…When you reach that point:

Are you really going to spend the bulk of your playtime helping ppl to reach their goals, when they cba to help you reach yours.

thats a misunderstanding… i opened a pug grp and carried my freshly max lvl friend through… and gave him the loot he wanted

Barely anyone buys boosts for their rio, most people just buy their weekly key.

And all of these points are immediately irrelevant as soon as we are talking about a guild group which is the case here.

Joining a guild and acting like an elitist pug player will get OP nowhere, doesn’t matter what kind of guild we are talking about. That’s not how it works, you can’t join a guild where you are obviously the new member to say “oh i’m not going to do raid with you or help you with your keys because those are too low for an elite player like me, but even if i help for some reason, if you guys suck i’m just going to leave mid run because you lowly mortals don’t deserve my time” and then expect that they are going to help you.

This mentality is for the “bring brain, don’t suck, know how to play, going to check 2500+ RIO, link Cutting Edge” pug players, not for those who want to have a good time with friends in a guild.

Not just guild group, also friends group, you know people in your friends list with battle tags IDs, people you typically speak to on Discord while playing.

Everyone helps everyone and many players ask, “what do we need, healer? tank? DPS?” and they happily play the part on one of their alts and sometimes they are 470+ and the rest of the group is 450 for example.

Yea that’s a good idea.

i realized a while after its actually really hard abusable for boosters… even more than it is now… to boost people for loot but atleast they cant boost you to get the key in time and push rio that way

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