Leaving m+ keys

Calling other players mongloids is vile imho .


Ah yea fair point, i skimmed over that.

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Inviting you to a group sounds like playing a game of Russian Roulette where all chambers of the pistol’s cylinder has bullets.

TBH the guild did well removing you before they could test your team ethic within a group, you would have potentially left them in a situation where they could have lost out on loot due to a loss of a player. Don’t join a guild if you’re unwilling to support them and whatever goals they have at the time.

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Wtf is wrong with retail wow. Kids should not be allowed to play this game anymore! The leaver community should have their own server or blizzard should punish them with a timeout for the content they left. First time 1day, then 1 week, 1 month, 1 year.


Some people need the key completed for their weekly chest, not an improved key or loot from that dungeon on the day. What you do is say 'I’ve wasted your time because I’m not getting what I want, so frick all of you." It is 100% a dick move. You aren’t considering the other players and their needs, just yours. And if your comeback is ‘WELL WHAT ABOUT WHAT I NEED?!’ You need to be more considerate or just don’t go with people you don’t know.


Honestly if run is going really terrible, leaving early is OK, but its lame when people start to argue and someone leave at 90% progress. People usualy stay because they want the loot from chest. I remember in s1 when me and tank soloed yazma at m11, after all leave, 25min of work. Nowdays people become very cocky and salty, only one spark is necessary to start to argue amongst each others and abandon good run.

I would say play with same minded people. Dont join other people keys if they wanna just finish it for weekly.

Always inform leader or key holder you gonna leave if we can’t timed it.

If you just join key without saying anything and then leave - that’s rude.

There is an expectation with guilds/friends to make sacrifices to help eachother, even if we dislike it.

The whole game is a waste of time.

You want to raid and do keys daily but not invest in your team to help get them here, your attitude is good, good for pugging :laughing: so really they did you a favour to remove imo.

Why is it so bad? It is not but it is good to state it as you do.

However, if close to the end of the run it tis a bit selfish as many players would likely want that chance on an item or an upgrade to their weekly chest, the main reason the majority do M+ as it is, if they completed it even if you left it still credits you anyway too.


Sure this is not a troll post?

To OP: What happens if you join a +15 key as the last dps and you are at the last boss, but timer expires when fighting? Will you just leave the key?

If you’re not trolling, my guess is that you will be blacklisted/ignored by keeping “your playstyle” up. As stated in an earlier post most people will like to time their keys, but if they “fail” they would still like their loot after finishing the dungeon - and by playing like you do, you deny them their loot.

Sure, if you notice from the start that the group does not have a clue whatsoever and die at the first pack - leave.

My suggestion to you is to inform the partyleader prior to being invited that you will leave in the middle of the dungeon if you see that you will not time it. If you do that, you atleast give the partyleader the choice to take the risk taking you in.

You are so dumb, that i am not gonna waste my time explain why you are dumb lol

I’ve just clocked on to the fact that this whole thread just reads to me like a thread on Flagburning.

  • I’ve never burned a flag myself
  • I don’t really see myself likely to ever be burning a flag
  • The only times i’ve seen people burn flags myself, it has been for dumb backwards reasons that i don’t support

But i don’t believe Flag burning should be outlawed, and unless its just for malicious reasons i’d defend it. And mostly what i see is people just reacting emotionally to a flag burning.

I think this guys position is perfectly defendable, it’s not my position, but it’s not that unreasonable either. I wish both he and those on the other side of the line (like me), and especially groupleaders, would just be more communicative about what they want/expect ahead of times.

This whole issue is no different than the age-old issues with loot rules. Tell the Raidleader to state the loot rules at the start of the raid, and then everything is clear. Then you can call out violations, and you have a place to argue from.

If you just blindly invite this dude to your dungeon without saying/writing anything, and then assume that means he’s signed a magic contract that states he has to stay around even when the timer has ran out halfway through the dungeon you’re more in the wrong than him imo, even though i wouldn’t make the same choice as him myself.

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If a guildies replied like this to me I would kick them too tbh.

Being in a guild means being a part of a group effort, if you want to be part of the effort until it benefits you only then you are not someone I want in my group anyway.

For pugs, people doing 12 might want gear too, and leaving the key ruin not only their effort but also you waste their time.

I would only leave key only if the groups starts wiping repeatedly and there is no way we finish the key in a decent amount of time.


Well if they never want to join his keys while they are a “mythic raid guild and constantly running M+ keys”, then yea… then you can’t expect (as guild) that he helps them whenever they need him to but not the other way around. It goes both ways.

And if it is a serious mythic raid guild, then talking about timing a +12 should be a laughable joke. The fact that it isn’t indicates that they pretty much misinformed the OP during the “recruitment process”.


Yea, a guild is whatever people make of it.
I’m all for guild spirit and helping each other out. But he says they literally didn’t do anything yet after a month of being a member. Not exactly blood brother territory.

Also, he was asked to come along, declined and explained why, the exact opposite of wasting someones time. Granted the way it was said doesn’t sound great but that would be unrelated to the acceptability of leaving.

Also a lot of people here are acting as if their stance is very different, but i suspect they’re hardly an inch apart.

OP says:

Most BfA dungeons have 4 bosses, so if with 1 boss alive he does not leave, that means he would potentially consider leaving when there are 2 bosses remaining alive when the timer runs out. That’s another way of saying running out of time half-way, as in the run probably taking twice the length of the allotted timer.
That’s an 1 hour 24 minute long King’s Rest run (which wasn’t advertised as likely to go overtime), or over an hour long in Freehold.
This is not “Freehold can take 33 minutes, but if it takes 35 minutes then i’m leaving”.

I suspect when some of you say things like…

…that you’re pretty much describing the same scenario the OP was. Or at least something very close to it, because to me that reads as almost the same thing.

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It’s not.

you’re there for your goal and if you dont reach it you move on.

I did some 20s with guildies yesterday, we left 2 20s and depelted it to 19 and went again, we finished one 20 even tho it was a 6 second overtime.

it comes down to communcating.

if 4 guildies want to finish a key to re-roll it (say KR that’s not in time) I dont mind staying, but if its a scuffed key since 2nd pull, I’d rather retry or do something else.

In pugs i join to time keys, if we dont time, I go next.

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There is no problem with leaving pug keys.

Telling your guildmates that you don’t give a damn on the other hand is…

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When I join a key I ask “Timed or weekly”. That does away with any possible confusion down the road. Kinda easy.


I don’t leave if the group is trying to do mechanics, does average DPS, isn’t toxic etc., even if it’s not in time. Sometimes sh1t just goes wrong, and I only do +15. So we all deal with it and finish the key.

But! If people are failing at boss mechanics repeatedly, if people ignore Affixes and wipe the group, if someone is obviously doing a half a$$ed job (yesterday i was in a grp with 25k DPS BM hunter and 40k DPS Retpal, sorry I didnt sign up as a free carry pulling 90k overall myself), I leave and I never get whispered or insulted after, because it’s obvious that this run would be painful.

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Exactly, that’s where as far as i can see the whole thing rests on. Though i didn’t put it that succinctly.

If nothing is said by anyone then i would not expect total extremes, such as:

  • people leaving a run if you run out of time just before the final boss (as in it would’ve taken maybe 1-2 minutes to finish).
  • expecting people to stay when the run is taking twice the timer length

But within those boundaries , if people don’t ask or tell you have to assume your assumptions could be wrong and someone is getting his time wasted.

I would never knowingly take a person to keys that isn’t willing to stay until the end. The one thing that is (usually) guaranteed with a guild group is that you will stay to the very end regardless and ensure the group reach the chest at the end.

If the group decides as a whole they don’t want to carry on with a key and would rather lower it that is different. But most of the time they just want to get to the end.

If people who are leavers would be upfront at the start of keys that they wont stay if it goes over time they would probably find themselves chosen less often. I have found those types of players rarely identify themselves until you’ve already started or if something goes wrong. It is generally the kind of behaviour you expect from PuGs though and not guild members.

It’s like they just want to cheat their rio history and not have any failures recorded even though they were part of them. It happens at all levels of keys but it’s the same frustration.

I can kind of understand if people join a push key or description claiming it will be timed and due to whatever it goes wrong and people give up but personally I still tend to stick to the end if the group is still going. We’ve even four manned some depending on what role left or whether we can cover it with changing spec. Generally I hate having to PuG because it’s such an unknown element. Some PuGs are really nice but others are just toxic.

I am so glad I am part of a team and a guild where we don’t abandon keys without a consensus. Yes if we are trying to push and it goes terrible wrong we may agree not to go further or reset, so we can run it at one level lower, sometimes we will just run a different key instead.

There is no punishment for leaving a key, it’s part of the risk players take when playing with randoms.