Leaving m+ keys

As someone who only runs with guildies what were you expecting?
People who use guild runs do so to avoid PUG groups and PUG behaviour
If you’re gonna bring that PUG behaviour into their guild they don’t want to run with you, I wouldn’t want to run with you
Hell why would you even be in a guild if that’s your stance?


Is that your main? You don’t have all 15s done so why would you have such an attitude? Guildies will run together to prevent leavers.

Easiest way to start timing keys I think is to find players to play with. If your entire attitude is “if we wont time it I’m leaving” then well, many people wont even consider you.

I hope you have a better RIO character than that cos its lower than mine and my score is exceedingly average.

maybe he forgot to ask them what "constantly runing mythic + " means to them

because it may mean constantly runing +20 as well as constantly runing +5 .

details baby details :joy:

thats a double edge sword though .

imo op is a bit to rude and a bit to honest.

what happens in most of guilds that people get burned only once .

what i mean is that people usually know who is good and who is not - therefore in good guilds if bad players ask others in guild chat to do keys they are met with dead silence

while when good player logs in and asks for +15 - +20 a lot of people instantly answer .

this is in fact the same behaviour like ops but in much more civilised way .

OP needs to learn to that "speach is silver , silence is golden "

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I don’t think our guild is unusual. Guilds are where you are meant to have a friendlier group to play with who don’t do what pugs do.

We do keys with both casual and serious players. We are just honest about what sort of keys we are doing. Obviously if we are trying to time a +15 for someone we wont take someone who isn’t geared or able to do it. But we will drag someone else through a +15 where we don’t care if they end up depleting the timer. Or we just do a bunch of 10+ keys with socials/alts etc.

I think if someone who has 300 rio on their main is getting upset not being taken to a +20 I would have to have a word with them and explain how it works. However when they need running through their +8 they equally have people who will come do them.

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Interestingly 4 geared people can easily boost someone through a 15 anyway (well depending on affixes perhaps).

Yea, exactly the same experience for me.

Yea that can be a big part of it. I see that more as one of the many problems RIO introduces though, and less so as a problem with that particular leaver.

If people ignored RIO in general i’d be less inclined to,

But since many people unfortunately use and promote RIO to filter who they accept, it’s disingenuous (in my opinion) to then blame people for doing what RIO encourages.

With RIO, there’s no value placed on countless things that can make or break a run like

  • on not being toxic,
  • on learning/doing mechanics,
  • on being nice or explaining fight mechanics when people mess them up
  • on trying to take charge and coordinate a headless run that was going nowhere
  • on staying even when the run went bad,
  • on completing a run after the timer ran out,
  • on performance relative to gear
  • on trying to finish when someone dc’d or left

  • and enormous value is placed on various often insignificant things, or things that may or may not reflect on a specific player at all. And that is not to even get into how a system that kneels to the single “best result” for each specific dungeon (over just about everything else), is basically begging for people to just get a carry by friends (or even a paid boost), in order to seed their RIO score and get ahead in the queue so to say.

Just difference of expectation. If someone wants to do their weekly key and you say you’re gonna leave it, in their eyes you will be a douche, cause you wasted their time.
On higher keys it’s generally acceptable to leave keys that are not gonna be timed unless there is like 1 boss left and people want to keep going, but anything 15 and below, people will generally just wanna finish, cause they are playing for weekly.

Also tellling a guildie that you’re gonna leave their key if not timed is stupid, you must know that. When helping guildies it’s just the norm to stay until finished or at least ask “do you guys wanna call it” instead of leaving guildies as if they are pugs. In that situation i would have just not said anything tbh, when someone asks for help it’s pretty rude to say no instead of just saying nothing, and especially following it up with that you’re probably just gonna leave it if they don’t time.

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Well if I invite someone new to the guild I expect the new player to put in the most effort to get accepted by the group.

If the new person never join discord, or ignore guild activities because “too low for me” how can you expect an already consolidated group to come and magically become friends with you?

I never understand people that join a guild and leave shortly after because “muuuuh no one consider me”, dude the group already existed before you and will exist after you, if you are interested in a group play with them even if the proposed content do not interest you at first.


I wasted my time?

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yes and the same could be said when its pretty obvious that the grp either have no clue about mechanics, or a run that should take 30ish min takes an hour to complete. Why should others waste your time then? And i say this as a prot war pushing 20s, if i join a grp and see the players not doing their job which often leads to wipes and depleted keys (its not often in those range of keys ppl are clueless but it still happens every now and then) Im leaving. Trust me there is nothing more painful than playing with a grp that does 0 mechanics, when you yourself do everything in your power to time the key and make it run smooth.

kinda not the topic at hand here but ye everyone has his own expiriences dont we?

neither do i, but not having done anything of significance with the guild in the first place will not compell me to waste my time on something like low keys with random strangers… cant be fckd if you understand

i am not, but the chance of getting an upgrade is infinitely low…

yes i could do that, but i do not intend to leave the key… thats just a bad attitude… i do not hesistate to leave thats the difference

well you kinda contributed nothing… like at all… i already said “no feels pls” and yet here you are…

this is a very good point my friend. yet there they are inviting the highest ilvl/rio comb they can find, so no right to complain when someone leaves then right?

i love this so much!

aaah thats why nobody joins my keys when i promote it as a “push”…hmmm interesting

exactly this… doing this remooves any right on being mad if someone leaves…

dont tell anyone or they get mad xD

how am i elitist? explain pls

as i said the guild advert in the guildfinder said mythic raid guild 3m down and going alot of m+… maybe its my bad not expecting a mythic guild not running 15+ all the time…

sims the best man already tried my best to replace but it just doesnt work…

oh boy… sticks and stones lady

if that was the case id have not completed any dungeon at all would i…

ofc i dont mind supporting anyone needing help, but not in a guild i have done nothing together with…

alot and i made some posts about that…

how old do you think i am? how old are you? xD

oh yes give the big bois the power… that sure worked out great in human history

goes both ways pretty empty argument…
i go in with the mindset to do what needs to be done, interrupts, dps, consumables, cc, loss, soaks etc… i do this, if they dont i have no time to consider their needs do i now?

this is exactly what i said…

sounds like busywork…

i dont really care about feelings… if you do not belong somewhere, why should it be me burden to suffer through ,…

well aiming high will generate some sparks on the way, aiming low will get you nowhere

i kinda explained that, i know its a long post but i answered this situation like 3 times in this thread already…

thats what i said

well you sure wasted your time typing that sht xD

well yes, if that is how you feel, i can understand… but i didnt FEEL like volunteering into something, that yields little to no result to me… and as i already said: i havent been to a single m+ in a month with them despite asking almost daily … i asked to do my key, someone elses key, to open a grp and join a rnd key… then maybe its best they kicked me, i dont really know nor do i care at this point… YET it is not the topic at hand there is it now?

you are paraphrasing here but i get the point, yet it is not the topic at hand… as it seems with most of the replies here…

almost relatable… i just need a little more good corruptions xD


that is indeed a good question… it is really fun to play with people who know their sht… i guess i was imagining i would find the satisfaction of playing with such people in the guild… i dont know man


??? yes i dont, but what is your point having them don not in time or not done at all is still not having them done…

i just came back after a long break, havent really played since uldir, and since the corona lockdown started i came back again… ye im getting there…

i could not agree more

i was silent almost a month… only asking for keys and a casual conversation about legendary back and daylies and stuff…

ye i was honest there, im too old to change my attitude, pug life burned me too much …

fair point…

that might be true bot not really my point of contention here, i really do not care at all for the gkick… it was just meant as a backstory…


because they feel entiteled to your time, i guess…
in my eyes that is way worse than being a D1CK, or saying something nasty or toxic… honestly

That part was for another guy that replied and more generic, I was not talking about your story specifically there.

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I agree that is a 2 way street. However, if you go in knowing you’re gonna quit if it isn’t timed at least have the decency to make the group aware. To straight up just leave when the timer runs out is a crappy thing to do. To say you shouldn’t be honest about this would just make you someone not worth playing with at all.

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i dont know? maybe it will be not timed by 6 seconds? i have no idea like i wrote before i am going in with the mindset: " i want this in time and i will do my best to do so, but i will not hesitate to leave if i feel assed by the rest of the grp!"

What? If you feel annoyed? When you join a key that is a commitment, a group effort. As such things should be done by concensus. I have left keys early before, I understand sometimes it’s something that needs done, but I always, ALWAYS discuss it beforehand. I’m not gonna drop 4 other people in it because I’m having a bad time, I signed up to do my part, and if possible I will do it.

i feel annoyed if someone constantly types dumb sht in chat or makes emotes or tries to rp in my run… but that is no reason to leave, feeling annoyed is my choice… feeling lied to is something different and that is what i mean. ofc i dont leave instantly i try to talk to people why they do it like that or ask what they have in mind…
having a bad time is almost a given in wow but that is no reason to quit like i said, if someone lies then im out

You’d need to be able to prove it. Someone might say ‘Totally in time bro!’ because they truely 100% believe it will be timed. A lie must be a known falsehood when stated. You attributing malice when ignorance probably suits more.

true that and lies often go undetected aswell so it is in balance i guess…

Pretty much. I mean i think anything is fair to complain about, complaining is the best. But many ppl seem to try to use ESP or voodoo to lead a group, when pressing a couple keys saying this is what we’re about, tends to be more effective in my experience. Say things out loud or put it in the notes for the group or something, everything not said is just a hope and a gamble.

And like i said before, i’m not a big fan of leaving/leavers, and if it was a concern for a run, i’d bring it up during formation/pregame. If you then tell me that you plan to leave on timer failure, and i think failure is a non-remote possibility, then fair enough, let’s both find a different group/player, you didn’t really waste my time, i didn’t really waste yours. It takes me 30 seconds to find another player and you’ll find another group in not much longer.

This ain’t poker, there’s no glory in high-stakes warcraft-grouping.