I am making a legacy raiding guild. Level to 60 and stop xp.
We will raid one day per week so people still have time to play main characters etc.
We will be Alliance on the Aggramar Server.
Rules and info:
All professions allowed up to lvl 300. We will check if you use any proffesion items that requires over lvl 300 skill.
Transmog and hierlooms are optional. Hierlooms are not allowed in raids.
Loot will be rolled for.
Toxic, immature, or generally bad behaviour will be punished. (Loot ban, guild kick, rank lowered.)
Good behaviour will be rewarded. (Gold, raised rank)
Not more than 2 of each class.
Our raid team will be 12 players. 2 tanks, 3 healers, 7 dps.
Must have Discord and a working microphone.
Auction house is allowed.
Do you think this is something you would enjoy being apart of?
Send me a message! Abekebbab#2640
Currently need no Tanks, 1healers and 5dps.
I would like to join the guild if it is Still active... I played wow 5years ago.. have some exp
Yes is it still active?