Legend wins

finally got my legend to cope with not being able to do glad xD
but why does it have to be 100 wins. miserable with q times as dps. its free anyways just make it 50 wins.

Yea, 100 wins is overkill i think. Should be 50 wins like Gladiator. 100 Wins takes you like 30 shuffles on average. As nobody Goes 6-0 or 5-1 all the time I think 3-3 and 4-2 and 2-4 are most common outcomes.


100 wins is waaay too much i have like 30 wins on my chars and im way above 2400

It’s fine, it shouldn’t be free either, otherwise you’d all complain with the inflation in ss every usual rival player would get it and get same achieve as better player.

it is free tho. 2.4 in shuffle is rather easy and if u can do 50 wins u most likely can do 100 wins. it just takes ages bc of the q times.

I can’t say getting 2,4 as frost was that easy.

Yes but if you think about it, if they lowered the amount of wins it would mean less people would play further (except the one playing for r1 title) meaning it would be harder to get so I think it’s OK.

Also you are supposed to get your wins during the season not only the last month so it’s plenty of times considering how popular shuffle is.

so u dont want it to be free but it shouldnt be harder to get either?

the amounts of wins needed doesnt make a difference anyways the way shuffle is rn. 2.4 is ez for any specc that is not b-tier and there are plenty of people q’in, also people who already have legend and have no chance for r1.

If you know what you’re doing then it is.

That’s already happening lmao
Have you seen the worldofpvp reddit posts?
There’s someone getting their first elite every week

Might be an unpopular take but they should also reduce glad wins too.

There’s not much skill grinding 50 or 100 wins at 2.4 in either 3s or shuffle with a 50% win rate anyway. One would argue getting to 2.4 is already most of the job done.

And the prestige titles are R1 so might as well give more incentive to participate.

Yeah cause they didn’t reset mmr, this season I started at 2k4 mmr first day and got 2k4 like Saturday.

Everyone one just by quing get free rating atm.

Fresh char start at around 2k2 2k3 atm.

Not realy Free, if it was free everyone Would be running around with 2,4k+ shuffle and legend. Sure I found it Not so difficult too, Main difficulty was Stress over What Lobby I get etc/psychological effect. But It is not something you just get for free when you hit 2400(elite rank) Actualy you dont even have to get wins over 2400 because you only loose Elite rank Under 2380 if im correct, Because I had Bad Session and Lost 200 rating and tanked to 2388 and game considered it As Elite rank still and wins counted. To maintain the rating for legend wins you need to be consitently going 3-3, some 2-4 are fine, but also you have to compensate with 4-2 or higher sometimes. So like I said More stressfull than Super hard. Which Is its own difficulty. I know people who are capable of doing it easy due to their Crazy PVP exp but They dont as They hate added stress from shuffle so they play 2s to high ratings instead etc.

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