Legendary Cloak catchup?

Yep, and probably playing it a bit too safe with my pulls. Anyways, catchup is there, just wanted to point out to OP that its not unlimited, u need the vessels to be able to catch up. I started this week at rank 5 and had to do 3 runs to get to 7, and 3 runs is all the currency i’ve got this week with my limited playtime :slight_smile:

3 is pretty good. You can get 4 if you play every day, and 5 if you really do literally everything is “juuuuuust” about doable with the new daily amounts going up. But it’s way more time investment than is realistic or necessary.

Getting 3 vessels a week and doing enough each time will see you through on curve until rank 13 I think given you have 0 now. (As long as you start saving vessels you don’t need).

Today i got rank 7. From what i see, it’s really easy and fast to get. I even fail first 3 free flask.

I don’t think I’ve managed to finish the first free one yet, in 4 alts run through it. Always end up running out of sanity just before killing the boss.

That’s nice :slight_smile: They I can do visions later when I will have better gear on my alts

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