Legendary cloak from MOP available?


Im trying to farm the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent and learned that I’d need a legendary cloak in order to get to the best farming spot. I’ve been looking around WoW Head for clues as to how to start getting this cloak, but wind up at dead ends everywhere.

Are these cloaks still available in game? or should I stick to the less effective spots for farming.

While they are still in the game the questline to obtain them is not. Aka, you don’t have a cloak when MoP finished you will never get the cloak.
So you’re stuck with the other spots I’m afraid.

You seem to have barely missed the MoP timewalking event. That would be the easiest way to farm any pandaria rep, since you can buy 500 rep for shaohao with 50 timewalking tokens, and you get 500 tokens the first time you kill the last boss of a timewalking dungeon (only once per event though).

Being someone who has the “best” farming spot open, it’s not even that great. Farming the frogs will prove pretty much as efficient, since the mogu in the palace have low respawn times. As for the cloak itself, as mentioned, it’s unobtainable.

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