Because there is no content. They need to stretch things out to make it to 9.1.
Hence the terrible loot drop rates. Cant have people running through content too quickly.
Hence the time gated campaign. Cant have people going through content too quickly.
Hence the anima drought. Cant have people going through content too quickly.
The fact that it takes 5 min flying from some points on the map to another one is pretty bad. Cant have people going through content too quickly.
The consequences of their actions are these: People stopped playing. When blizz thought that people would line up in droves to do non rewarding M+ they were slapped with a good ole dose of reality. People stopped doing M+ altogther and then quit the next month.
I was on my way to 13’s in bfa. Yeah cool. I know its not top dog. But i worked my way up and as a way past middle aged person with terrible reflxes those completed 12’s were an accomplishment.
In SL i cant even be bothered to do keys atm.
Their thinking that we loved the grind, timegating and lack of loot turned and bit them in the you know what.
Everything post Legion in terms of pvp for me has been a void. No pvping at all.
I actually liked Legion the most as I wasn’t as active at the time and it allowed for fun pvp without the hassle of getting gear.
At the same time I understand the lack of progress for the higher tiers of pvp, that it brought.
Still baffles me to this day why they didn’t create two separate pvp brackets of geared and progression and template. with the template pvp be just for fun without any progression rewards (marks of honor for transmog or something)
And the progression bracket being the pvp of old, pre-Legion.
I alrdy could craft a legendary did 2x thorgast8 run with lower itemlvl,
And i will save get myself in PvP to 1.4 no doubt about that, i just invite a condem Warri
BUT the legy buffs my Earthshild for 150% another conduit my healing for 6% and the second one for 20% without them i dont need too try