Legendary just not dropping for me

I’ve done Soulforges about 10 times it should be 100% drop. Also Reawakaning done have all the quests up to Runecarver where it’s telling me to get misives and stuff. AND IT STILL WONT DROP… It’s meant to be 100% what is actually going on.

What layer are you doing it on?

3 and above, done 8 around 4 times too

a) Check your bags and bank. It won’t drop again if you already have the item in inventory.
b) Powers are account wide so if you have alt of the same class you might have gotten it earlier and learned it using alt. It won’t drop again in this case either.

Also, if it’s sitting unlearned in a bag on an alt of the same class it won’t drop on another character either.

Do bear in mind that more repeatable content has a lower drop rate, while you do need to be in the right Wing and at/above the required Layer it tells you in the Adventures Journal Powers section, it’s not a 100% chance in Torghast.

I’ve checked bags multiple times, even searched it, not in bank. Also it’s the only Demon Hunter on my account, it’s just not dropping. I don’t know what to do

try again… noone can help you if RNG gods hate you, i ran coldheart about 12 times before it dropped