I am just wondering is now with the release of 9.2 there is something I am missing. I need a legendary memory from Sire Denathrius however the queue unending. Over 2.5 hours in, seeing the counter go up and down sometimes only needing 1 more healer and then dropping again but still no group has been found this is starting to look impossible. Oh, and that is excluding the 1.5 hour queue this afternoon where I had to give up and do something outside of the game.

I tried the Korthia item but that seems to give a random memory I don’t have yet, seeing this is an alt which has only a few memories that could take a LOT of time farming Soul Cinders also which leaves me the question, is this intended or am I missing something?? Is there some other catch up or are we supposed to spend hours of mindless farming (or waiting) just to get this legendary memory?

Considering you need to farm Cinders and Ash even when finally getting the memory this seems absurd to me…

UPDATE: Hence my comment(s) below on my progress in (trying) to get this. Time you need to invest to get this is rediculous.

For an alt, I’d suggest collecting all easily collestable legendaries. They all have 100% drop chance from any difficulty nowadays, so just run each dungeon once, and you’ll get plenty of them out of the way.

You can then use the following to obtain the random legendary item:

  • Grateful offerings (requires anima conductor 4 beams permanently charged, though)
  • Archivist Research
  • Soul Cinders

Cinders is imo the easiest to farm, as you can do so on your main and send them over at a small cost. So you can just run Gauntlet layer 4 over and over and get it done quick. But research is also reasonably farmable, even on an alt, but is rather dull and boring, even more so than Torghast. It can be considerably faster though, if you get into a farming group.

You can also buy a Nathria carry for a bit of gold, that’s definitely the fastest, and isn’t very expensive either.

Thanks for the good suggestions and I will probably farm those out to get it.

Having said that it Just feels bad to me that the initially intended way to get it, experiencing the story and finishing the questline (which basically points us to the raid) is not possible since you cannot get a group. 3 hours in my second queue now, no group found.

Especially considering it is still latest expansion and somewhat relevant content…

It kinda stopped being relevant when 9.1 hit. I do agree, however, that they should have put those legendaries elsewhere, as getting them now is just a pain in the backside for no good reason.

Waaait, isnt reward from gauntlet only one time thingy ? U get like 2k ash 500 cinders, do u get them over and over again ?

It’s not. It’s infinitely farmable like any other Torghast wing. That was a QoL change that came in 9.1.5, and applies to the Gauntlet too.

The pets and stuff are one-time only, yes. The currencies aren’t.

Yea thats kinda obvious, but its realy nice that its spamable .

Is there any reason to do regular thorgast now tho ? ( maybe some classes can farm there faster ?) .

Also what happended to adamant vaults ? Any point going there in 9.2?

Achievements, and some classes can farm those faster, yes.

If you still need some cosmetics, or want the 252 conduit upgrader thing once a week, yes. Otherwise not really, no.

Thats realy nice to hear i dont have to do those, thanks .

Edit : tested this out, doesnt work, got 6 gold from completing .

Still think it’s rediculous how to farm this! Need the Malific Wrath Legendary memory from Sire Denath. 4.5 hour queue time total, thought I’d do some other none group related stuff while I waited but noope… No luck.

Okay, on to farming, did all the dungeons for my legendaries to make the pool for getting a random legendary smaller but the pool is still quite big especially considering the old raid content ones all are not yet obtained. You would say at least it gave some preference to the spec you are currently in, nope… Farmed 1800 cinders, 3 randoms, still no luck. When I finally get it, still have to farm 1650 cinders, that’s A LOT of Choreghast and A LOT of time doing boring repetitive stuff for a mandatory power gain! (Yes, when raiding in a guild you are expected to perform to the best of your ability and this legendary is the best single target one so it is a mandatory power gain in my eyes).

Good idea, indeed, let them drop somewhere else.

Status update:

  • LFR Queue 4.5 hours wasted
  • Did all dungeons 2 make random memory pool smaller
  • Farmed 4200 soul cinders in Thorghast to purchase korthia item

7 random memories later, still not the right one. Back to farming choreghast… Just now notice that in the guide the memories page was filtered on affliction this realizing there are A LOT more legendy memories that can drop from the Korthia thing… GREAT!

Gues thats aliance thing ? However stupid it sounds, friend needed his lego from sire on rogue , was desperate at first , then he loged lfr and after like half hour ( maybe hour ) he killed him.

Still, idk why u cant buy them with anima or something in that state of game.

Actually I am going to make a ticket for this. At this rate the memory seems nearly impossible to obtain! Would be rediculous begging to other people to form a group and do whole Nathria just for a legendary, this is crazy!

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