Hello everyone,
As we’ll be able to transmog legendaries,will this also happen with the Warglaives Of Azzinoth?To unlock them now you have to drop them and then defeat Illidan during burning crusade timewalking,will it stay like this or not?
Probably will be allowed as well, but we’ve got no info on how it’s going to work at the moment.
I dont think we have to do anything special to unlock legendary transmorg, bet its just there if you already earned said legendary.
It would remove the need for DH’s to go and complete TW BT. I am not sure what they intend with that one.
They could be wielded by various classes so it would be unfair to reduce the restrictions on other legendaries but not those. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Wait does this mean Monk/Rogue might be able to mog it ?
I’m not sure how I feel about this…
I’m happy for legendaries to be transmoggable but it would be more unique if each legendary transmog was bound to a class like currently Warglaives of Azzinoth are (but you could farm it on whatever class that can equip them, of course).
If anyone that can equip and transmog then the next 200 people are going to all look the same just to show-off.
Blizzard often tests things like this - limited. Same with DH class, remember MoP rogue legendaries ? It was a test for DH ability and if glide would be OP and work and so on. So often those small restricted things can be test for something we see later. I can bring more examples of ‘small tests’ trough items that end up be feature X or Y. But Dhs and rogue daggers are just most visible one to all.
I think they experiment a lot, you can see that over various expansions. So that sounds very plausible.
Some things are never repeated, like a neutral race and other things come back in a different format. Like in MoP we had those three man instances and now we have Island Expeditions.
This is obviously not an exhaustive list
And for my sake they can go wild and test things. I rather see them trying than not trying. Some things are cool, some things not so much. But hey …
except making Pve players do PvP, that test should have died ages ago.
I think warglaive versions from Timewalking will still be there and the sword versions will be moggable also.
I had hoped that test died with the MoP legendary chain, but alas, it seems not.
Cant wait to see every dk, warrior, paladin and shaman (maybe not sure about that one) to run with shadowmourne.
That axe rly badass tbh.
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