Legion and Dragonflight: the polar opposites

Weird, but sure; I’ll take it.

A small minority do, sure.

I know right? Sounds great! But then you think. “Wait, why even bother with the challenging raiding content when I can just farm mobs in the overworld for like 99% less effort?”

Imagine what it’ll be like for people who enjoy raiding content but hate to open world activities (haven’t met any yet, but I’m sure they exist somewhere).

i think dragonflight have a big win against legion for once you can achive something without it being a 3 specc lock behinde

blizzard should ride on this win and not go back to that bloaty lose of version.

you atcually go out in the world and rep with factions and earn decent rewards and also you can do world quests on old factions to earn new and alt friendlier it will become in next expack.

Only lack you think is lacking is something to do for the person who don’t play raid pvp or m+ they will add a new thing for people that are open world oriented I personally think dragonflight wins over legion.

“Because fun” argument incominng.

The best thing they ever did was introduce Dh.Made the expansion even more amazing🤩

Well… I wouldn’t bother in the first place.
Because I want to do content I enjoy.

But your example is a bit flawed. That drop in the raid was way more likely to happen than that once-in-a-lifetime drop of a BiS TF. So to expect that to happen again and again is very, very unrealistic.

I loved Legion [BUT] as a Death Knight player Legion was also a massive kick in the teeth for Death Knight players as we got forced in to duel wielding as Frost Death Knights this also resulted in us never getting Frostmourne whit many different sword models, that resulted in Legion not being all sunshine as a result of it.

I feel like ‘fun’ is very subjective. Most people who raid believe that overcoming a hard challenge for great rewards is very fun. PVPs probably just wanna make other people cry. M+ people are raiders, but without the massive groups, and not as challenging mechanics.

Not really you only get 1 shot at a boss per week and you roll vs everyone there (even with Pl). WQ were daily, not all granted gear, but had enough of them, and they scaled to NM ilvl. Having multiple chaces per day to TF and you only needed it to forge 15 ilvls or over to make it worth it.

I mean I mostly do content for fun, but I also need gear for the level I play at, if said gear was easilly achieved elsewhere I would feel forced to go and get it. I mean M+ is fun for me at ~+20s, why spend time farming 15s when I can do WQs and get the gear from there.

Most loot tables are at least partially shared across two or more bosses.
Plus there’s always the extra vault chance.

I have been out of the loop, I’ll admit… But back when I raided (in vanilla) gear went to people based on DKP earned/spent and/or the person who could help the guild progress the most. Aren’t those things anymore?

No, don’t move the goalposts. This was not about it ‘being worth it’. This was about someone getting better gear than heroic raid drops. That’s a substantial amount of ilvl needed on top of the world content ilvl of Legion. That’s not a common thing.

Anyway… I’m done talking about all these have-been things. I’ve talked about them enough over the years and some of us here will never agree on them, period.

Brighter days are hopefully ahead for world content players in TWW.

Except the part where she bragged about removing toxic masculinity. Shame she has no idea what that actually means, given her pet character, Anduin has none of it.


I think you might want to reconsider your statement. I think she has an idea alright.

Yes her idea is that toxic masculinity is masculinity as a whole it seems. Would explain why she destroyed Saurfang. Too masculine.

Nah, we got the need-greed system now. If you need an item, press need, if you don’t press greed or pass. For the needs, whoever gets the highest number gets the item.

Still, better than personal loot!

As someone who only does LFR: I completely and utterly disagree.

No clue why guilds can’t set their own lootrules.
And no clue why LFR is forced into this horrible lootrule. Personal loot should be the standard for queue-ed pug content.

There’s no reason we can’t have both. Even if it’s just pl in rf

Depends on what you are chasing, but sure lets say you have 3 shots at boots per week and the vault makes 4. Still more chanses of getting them from WQs, because they reset daily.

Nope. Most guilds are a free for all, PL didn’t even let you enforce loot rules properly. Hardcore guilds run a loot council.

I did’t, HC and normal are 15 ilvl appart, you needed 15 to be on par with HC and 20 to surpass it, that was really common with TF. Geared multiple alts that way.

Only if we get ML as well.