Legion artifact appearances are bugged for Shaman


Despite being able to transmog Doomhammer as restoration/elemental shaman now, since pre-patch, it’s very buggy. Doomhammer’s appearance is sheathing like a fist weapon/wand/book/OH.
As you can see from the screenshots in this post: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/doomhammer-appearance-is-bugged-for-other-shaman-specs/193461
Doomhammer’s ethereal OH appearance is available to transmog as a MH. It is in the MH/1h mace tab.
Hopefully this isn’t intended, as it’d be a little pointless to allow resto/ele to use Doomhammer’s artifact skins if it’s going to be hidden the entire time! :frowning:

Thanks for any info!

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Please please help with this blizzard :frowning:

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