Legion Artifact Transmog Tab Removed – What’s Up with That?

Hey everyone,

So, I just noticed that Blizzard removed the transmog tab for Legion artifact weapons, and it’s kind of a bummer. Now, we can’t transmog our spec-specific Legion artifacts unless we’re using the exact same weapon type. For instance, if you have a staff, you can’t transmog the Demonology Warlock Legion artifacts anymore because they’re a dagger and offhand. Same deal with Outlaw Rogues who have a dagger in the offhand – you can’t use the spec-specific artifact swords.

The Legion artifacts are a big part of our class identity, and losing the ability to transmog them feels like a major letdown. Showing off those unique weapon appearances was one of the coolest features, and now it feels like we’re getting restricted for no good reason. This change messes with our customization and the overall look of our characters, which is a big deal for many of us who love our transmogs.

Personally, I’m not a fan of this change and would love to see it rolled back. :disappointed_relieved:


I noticed this too and I am hoping it’s just a temporary thing until patches have been implemented and the expansion launches, but I have a horrible feeling that the ‘Legion Artifacts’ option for transmog might be gone for good :disappointed_relieved:

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Still exists in the appearances tab and transmog window.

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but before you could mog over different styles

so a shadowpriest with a staff could still use the dagger mogs
or a fire mage with a staff could use the sword mog

not anymore


Its now showing for me on my DK


Somehow, the tab is showing for DK, Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior, but not for any other classes for me. :open_mouth:

yep noticed that too. was always nice if i had 1 hand and want to have a staff as mog. pls revert

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It seems like this problem is a bug and this transmog function was not intentionally removed, so I submitted a bug report. Hopefully, someone will look into this issue. :slight_smile:

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As well as this topic I’d do a bug report in game to let them know what class you’ve noticed this on and explain it used to work before the patch.


Thank goodness it’s a bug.


…phew, glad to hear I am not alone.
Was doing some dungeons in Legion last night and couldn’t see how much stuff I collected and then noticed “Legion” was missing :thinking:


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