According to MrGM interview.
Wonder if a prot pala, or prot warrior able to tmog 2 handed weapons (ashbringer and warrior 2 handed legion artifacts) on 1 handed weapons.
According to MrGM interview.
Wonder if a prot pala, or prot warrior able to tmog 2 handed weapons (ashbringer and warrior 2 handed legion artifacts) on 1 handed weapons.
If I could like this 1000 times i would, finally I will be able to use my perfect sin’dorei bows on my hunters
Thank you Blizzard
That is awesome, if I will be able to use MM’s artifact in BM spec, because BM’s artifact is total garbage compared to what MM has.
Probably weapon type restrictions stays the same.
So long as its not the mage tower ones I’m fine with that.
I never bothered to get the Holy Priest mage tower done as I don’t play Holy.
I liked the appearance a lot but since it was locked to a spec I don’t play decided there was no point. And now its gone for good.
If it does apply to the mage tower as well, then I really hope they bring the tower back with legion time walking.
So will I be able to have Mage Tower Bear and Cat both at the same time while playing as Feral?
I’m pretty sure it would be one or the other for druid forms.
That is cool.
The blood DK weapon is amazing.
Mage and Warlock has some great appearances too.
It is very funny to watch Blizzard doing what previously claimed not possible.
Is it a change of decision makers in there, or just desperate fan services?
Yeah probably, holy pala legion artifact must be a special exception
Yea most likely cuz 99% of time holy palas used 1h+shield so they wanted to give options, idk. Also doubt u could use 2h artifact+shiled (like arms war with shield in prot spec or so) or that spells animations will look good with 2h only.
Still there are specs that will be so happy about this change.
So what? It’s a welcome change.
That is how I read the blue post in this Wowhead article.
Yes!!! I love Aluneth the Greatstaff, now I don’t have to be only in Arcane to hear him get snarky at me!
My vote is on this option.
thats amazing, but i dont get why are only doing it now when shouldve happen wiht bfa day 1. Just like demo lcoks finanly get a interupt(not a good one but its atleast something) when shouldve and couldve ealsy had it day 1 of legion rework
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