Legion content that is currently soloable will not be soloable in PTR?

and on top of that u might even get summon

Added time together in total - but whats the point in making it ten minutes for making it ten minutes? litterally no point.

There is a marginal part of people in this community who claims for things to be slow (like classic) remove things that makes life easier as flying lfg etc…old raids being hard ++

But you there is litterally nothing stopping people from doing this. you can group up with likeminded, run through all content or just use 60% mounts and explore the world etc etc. equip gear that needs repair or just eguip lower itemlevel gear.

The possibilities are limitless for people wanting leveling and old content +++ to be slow and challenging.

well answer me … are u doing that for fun or just that u get drop which u want

for transmog drops and nothing else. nothing fun in raids i did many many times when they were relevant and afterwards

than u are doing it wrong

what am i doing wrong?

game is to have fun

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