Legion content that is currently soloable will not be soloable in PTR?

As i understand, alot of the content we can solo live, are not soloable in current PTR.

Mainly speaking of raids since that is what the reports have been about - Probably also world bosses, maybe mythic dungeons who knows.

Blizz did say “You will be able to solo everything you are able to solo now” whatever that meant (PTR or level 60 with raidgear?) and what they say i always take with a couple of buckets of salt.

So somekind of bug where they messed up scaling with the level-squish? Or intended?

Bad news for anyone farming Legion raids for transmogs, balance of power ++ (As myself on a couple of chars) Especially since mog farming is one of the few things to do in PTR for many people.


I’m someone who farms old raid all the time, and this change is terrible for me.

Not only it is harder now, but also the value of the items is so down that it’s not worth farming WoD Hellfire anymore


PTR right now seems fine in terms of difficulty. See Old raids, level scaling and leveling chars - #15 by Xênosh-tarren-mill where both I and Xênosh concluded that the first boss in Nighthold feels about the same on live and on PTR.

I am guessing that this will still be true in pre-patch.

Beta is a very different story. Both Xênosh and I died miserably on Skorpyron Mythic when we went in on level 60s in Beta. Old raids, level scaling and leveling chars - #6 by Lommatik-draenor

That does not seem right. I think Blizzard have work to do in tuning old content for level 60s.

Gold value is VERY hard-hit, though. My few tests suggest that vendor gold is down by 63%.


The good old case of getting weaker the higher you get.

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h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n3_O5mNbrk

This is one video about it anyway, but maybe i did mistake beta for ptr.

That video was from Sep 6.

He does say “on the PTR” he couldn’t get past the first trash pack of Mythic EN, but I just popped into EN Mythic on PTR with my level 50 Paladin right now.

There kinda is no “first trash pack”, since you meet Nythendra immediately, but Nythendra feels just like live. As I said in the other thread, it does feel slower, but everything feels slower on PTR - Haste scaling maybe?

Anyway, Mythic Nythendra went down no problem, and I pulled the corridor after just to confirm there wasn’t anything hinky happening there. Nope. Again, no problem.

I can well believe that scaling WAS borked on the PTR a month ago, but has now been adjusted.

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That echoes my experience last night on the PTR.

i wil say that for old content which is soloable should be not soloable , i want that your level is scaled down to content which u are doing im bored that only thing what is viable to play and progress is current patch stuff

Very good, thank you, just saved my day there.

Friend, the day just dont have that many hours, and most people can not play wow as a fulltime job.

Old content is raidbosses that now are dead in the lore. People farm them for one reason: Transmogs/mounts and maybe some achievs and reputation.

Mogfarming is something people do when they are done with everything else - or are waiting for next patch/prepatch/expac.

Done with todays hours of farming? M+ runs? farming mats and rep for covenants and legendary? Yes? Did on both your alts to? Aha. Then lets go mog farming.

Oh no. Have to create a 20-30 man raid and spend hours in there to just for a slim chance of that item dropping and that you win the roll.

Maybe a thing for private servers, but if that stuff went live…oh my. what a nightmare !


This is one of the worst takes on old content farming i’ve ever seen in this forum.


Some people have some very unrealistic toughts about this game.


Let’s just say the destruction of bear tartare already put me off enough of running things for fun.


well simply what is point of 1 shot things and telling that u did job … well that is just like job that way u can kill also mobs in world map

Just for curiosity, I did the following:

I copied THE SAME BfA-geared Paladin that I tested Nythendra and Skorpyron on the PTR on to Beta.

I ran Mythic Nythendra with that Level 50 on the Beta.

Nythendra is the same for that Level 50 on PTR and on Beta.

So - for level 50s, existing content is equally soloable on PTR and on Beta.

But for level 60s, Legion content becomes impossible.

Make of that what you will.


It’s old content.
Why would anyone submit himself to hours of looking for groups just for some slim chance to get some mogs/mounts?
I’d honestly just quit the game with that kind of restriction.


Blizzard should just make it so we get the dmg buff if we’re 9 levels above… it would open up content for players more.


Considering the level squish, what was 11 levels difference for the Legacy Buff to apply in BfA should be something like 4.5 levels in Shadowlands. (OK, I can live with 5.5 - but it is WRONG that a level 50 is stronger than a level 60. It was wrong at the start of BfA. It is wrong now. Just WRONG.)


well i will be more than happy to see you to quit game if it is just bcs u cant 1 shot anymore

You do know that a very huge part of the community loves farming old content for various rewards including mounts, transmogs and so on, right? Who wants to spend the entire week doing that?


Yeah, that’s why it should be 4.5 levels and be done with it.
If they can’t balance accordingly, just let us simply “become” stronger than them…