Legion Remix

Hey guys - i just though if we had Legion Remix, i was wondering if Blizz for period of this even’t could add evoker special artifacts since its “time” travel - by accident we travelled to time where evokers helping during legion invasion, maybe even aspects like Nozdormu and Alextrasha.

would be cool to see graphically upgraded items and legion artifacts, and armours, maybe make each zone specialise in different type of armour drops/weapons.
for example Azuna could be like DH/Warden Style mix with area of the school of magic that was there and naga tyle, while Valsharah would have night elf, corruption nightmare, nightmare + dream, and before corruption items style, Highmountain something white snowy but also in style of tauren living there, furs, feathers, rock like, spirits of ancestor style corrupte/burned by fell style.

Storm Heim in style of Odyns Halls of Valor and mix of Helheim.

while surramar we could have again Nightborn style stuff - magic/arcane stuff but with different colours ? and maybe fell corupted items like some NPC’s there have with green corrupted flames - same for weapons and shields and then lightforged items mixed with ancient Dreanei items.

that would be cool.

i just thought if they make it also more harder then remix pandaria was so people don’t get too quickly overpower and start selling “boost” after 3 days because last time blizzard failed to do anything about it just blocked it but didnt deducted from people who exploited the game.

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