You all know how in few expansions we had now legendary - we had fyralath, we had sylvannas bow and also special weapon like jailors hammer,
wish we could have this time some magic staff for magic classes or want related to something in game for healers in shape and form or some legendary that will adapt to every class and spec and have different bonuses or effects
I agree with the title, but I read it in a different context.
As far as legendaries are concerned, I think it’s reasonable to expect Blizzard to implement one at some point in the expansion. I don’t think we’ve had an expansion without a legendary item, and it’s hard to see why The War Within should be any different from the rest.
A caster or healer legendary? Maybe. Last one we had was a giant axe, and then the Drac’thyr specific one.
I’d like a more general-purpose one, as you mention also, because it’s kind of a no show addition if it’s not for the class or spec you play. May as well not exist then.
So if we’re going to have legendaries in expansions, at least make them relevant to everyone and not just a few.
Cuz of both of these my class suffered and heavily balanced around these 2 stupidly low % drop rate weapons btw.
I don’t want a weapon to exist so they can ignore balancing issues.
Nvm either way they are ignoring anyway with legendary or without
Fyralath was so good, they nerfed plate classes into the ground to compensate so you just did normal dps with it, but it didn’t drop for months so you just did less than normal dps for almost the entirety of S3 unless you got lucky, genius.
imagine that xD lo li was actually wondering if they could make transmogs like legendary transmog in some expansion or collection of where you collect pieces from dungeons and quests, to start chain quest and then unlock something special/ or special effect maybe for your class - not borrowed power but visual or at least small buff like when aluneth was drinking magic or scythe of elune calmed wargen etc
You know what is the problem of legendaries ? That they are legendary.
In other words, you want to make a “special” weapon that is worth all that effort to get it. Which inevitably means costly or lengthy activities to get it, and a substancial increase in performance once you get it.
The problem with leggos was blatantly obvious with Fyralath: The hay to balance specs out considering that they had that legendary. So if you did not have it, you literally did 20% less DPS than one that did. And that is unfair and bad for the game.
The only way to solve this issue is to give the legendary to everyone easely. But then its not a “legendary” anymore is it ?
In Lore, Khadgar wielded Ateish, Greatstaff of the guardian, which used to be Medivh´s staff (and Aegwynn´s before that) before it was destroyed during Archimondes´s attack on Dalaran (presumably by the wards designed to protect itfrom falling in to the wrong hands). So, yes, it has “properties”, to say the least, and quite the colorful story.
One of them being (in lore) the ablity for the wielder to transform into a raven (see also Khadgar’s dialogue in Legion when flying down to Suramar to retrieve Lights Heart, “I prefer to use Ateish´s raven form…”. Side Note, I also prefer to transform into a dragon using my staff, thanks for taking that away from me for this quest and rubbing it in my face. ) …In addition to granting it´s wielder “power unending”.
(possible Ingame story inconsistenccy inc) But, Ateish was broken before Dadghar got Hoovered up into the Dark heart, wasn´t it?
I think there is a way to make a legendary and give it to everyone without it being less legendary.
Do it like in mop.
The cloak felt legendary but was very accessible. Blizz just needs to make a good questline with a good story again. Put some reasonable grind into it and all is good.
I would even say a legendary like that feels more legendary then the axe we just had or sylvis bow
An item not only becomes legendaey because its rare. If you eant to go with that logic only one person should be able to get an item cause its not legendary when 8 out of 10 warriors have the axe.
Its not just its rarity. Its its power coupled with its rarity, and what you mention is one extreme. But the other extreme would make that “legendary” literally a common peice that everyone has and is as powerfull as a comon purple item basically.
In fact, the cape from MoP had a caviat. There were NO cape drops at all, in any boss. It was blizzards way of preventing these issues.
The thing is that there is no way to make any “inbetween” fair choice when we talk about legendaries. Either its unfar to anyone that does not have it (because its rare/OP) or its just like any other Purple and you question WHY do you need to go through all these side-hoops just to get a boring item.
So better to not have Legendaries at all. Its the only logical solution.