Let any race be any class

Well technically we can’t.

The author holds the narrative, we don’t. They may spring a suprise change on us that seems unprecedented but it’s perfectly plausible within their narrative because they stipulate it’s so, we just didn’t see it coming. For example blood elves joining the horde. Initially there was a lot of furor about how breaks the lore, but it is the right of the author to determine the direction their lore takes. It was surprising, yes, but it didn’t violate any established rules of their universe, so it didn’t break the lore no matter how much players hated it.

Draenei = Eredar and Sargaras corrupted Eredar is a retcon because blizzard directly changed what was stated to be the case and rewrote the lore and they acknowledged they did that. Players couldn’t spot it before it happened so there was little to no change of them determining a lore break.

My point is it’s difficult to state something breaks lore when the writer is completely free to write what fits as long as it doesn’t contradict prior lore. It can be outrageous, like an island of gnomes who worship nature and are druids, but it doesn’t mean the lore has been broken. It just means they’ve expanded what is lore.

For the record I do actually agree with many peeps here that one issue blizz have is they play fast and loose with their own lore and see no issue about sending it in just about any direction they like. This doesn’t mean they’re breaking it however, it just means they view it as a flexible thing to grow as needed rather than work within strictly. So I can see why people might ask for more classes on the basis of this, but it doesn’t mean I agree that what little integrity the lore has left should be stamped out if that makes sense.

It’s an agree to disagree thing. Thanks for keeping your tone respectful even if we disagree :+1:


Oh god. What a take.

Gnome warriors are literally babys with water heads but still able to physically beat up a grown tauren, how does an undead paladin make less sense ? :smile:

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Am I wrong?
If you’re telling a story, with a world you made up entirely, you’re telling me that I can at any point go “you’ve broken your own story” simply because the plot changed in a way I disagree with and didn’t anticipate?

I’m saying there’s a difference between saying the lore is crap and saying the lore is broken. You appear to see them as the same which is why I think you seem to be taking issue with my posts. When fundementally it should be clear that we agree that overwhelmingly the lore is treated crap, but I simply disagree that this means racial lore needs to be crapped on as well. That’s literally it, so I don’t keep the snipey commentary honestly. We disagree, it’s hardly newsworthy. But feel free to keep up the mocking tone if it makes you feel any better about it I guess?


A lore that contradicts itself and it retconned constantly is a lore that is broken and does not work. It is broken on a fundamental level. It’s not about the quality of the writing anymore by that point.

You can twist a plot in a certain direction, sure, but outright declaring massive amounts of content built around a setting that you wrote to no longer be ‘canon’ or writing lore that directly contradicts what was previously established (Discounting unreliable narrator which is acceptable in some circumstances) is not how lore should be written.

The lore of World of Warcraft is absolutely broken because this is what Blizzard has done since it’s inception.

You’re coming across as being awfully contrarian for the sake of it.


Look, I’m not going to draw this out. I was being fussy in my opening post about definitions, I will hold my hands up to that. Not for the sake of it, it’s just how I am. There you go. Done.

Well, you can break the law on land too. You don’t have to be a pirate.

Yeah just lift all remaining restrictions, its so outdated ffs. My shammy tmogs would look great on blood elf. Been playing shaman since tbc, blood elves been with the horde for yeaaaars by now and Im still being denied enjoying tmogging on these shaman races. Fix it in or before Shadowlands please, taking way too long already.


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