Let any race be any class

The new customisation options for various races in Shadowlands throws the lore excuse out the window. Player expression clearly matters more to Blizzard, so just remove all class restrictions.

If druid forms/Shaman totems etc… are an issue, give everyone some kind of basic version of them until you have the resources/can be bothered working on making them racially themed.

There really is zero reason to not allow the likes of Undead Druids, Void Elf Paladins and Nightborne Shaman anymore.


Hey atleast now you can wipe certain places with lore, no need to throw it away for good.

Id be happy if kultirans could be warlocks.


Meanwhile Zandalari, a troll race. A race known to love curses and was suppose to have warlocks. Did not get warlocks because reasons. And kul’tirans got shamans because of water priests.

And everyone and their grandma can be monks after a day training.

Edit: And shockingly enough this thread is spammed by a handful of individuals who fail to understand three things.

  1. Blizzard does not care about the Lore. They have stated on numerous occasions that “The rule of cool” triumphs over consistency .
  2. Blizzard have presented the players on numerous occasions class combinations which are not available like Night elf paladin:https://wow.gamepedia.com/Delas_Moonfang, tauren rogues:https://wow.gamepedia.com/Mr._Smite,https://www.wowhead.com/npc=11911/grimtotem-mercenary#abilities, Draenei Rogues https://wow.gamepedia.com/Altauur, Zandalari warlocks:https://wow.gamepedia.com/Port_of_Zem%27lan, https://wow.gamepedia.com/Demoniac, while also randomly giving class combinations that previously weren’t avilable like in cataclysm as well as with Gnome Hunters in Legion.
  3. The player character is not a “normal” individual, but a progeny in whatever profession/class he/she have decided to pick up. And nothing in the Lore would really prevent individual characters in seeking out professions outside of those taught by their own schools. In fact we even got two professions which follows this rule of thought, Warlocks whom are shunned if not banished from society and Monks which is taught by travelling pandaren. So if characters can seek out other warlocks or research in becoming a warlock alone, what prevents them from not seeking out druidism, shamanism or becoming paladins? What prevents characters from not being taught by a travelling druid, shaman or paladin? Absolutely nothing.

The only thing preventing all races from becoming all classes is arbitrary restrictions, not lore reasons.


I mean yeah, we can all be monks (Aside from Goblins, Lightforged and Worgen for some weird as hell reason that was never explained?). We can all be death knights. We can all be Warriors and Hunters. Just drop the race restrictions.

Shadowlands is clearly all in on “Player expression”. So let’s go the full way.


Wow yeah, no.


This might help faction balance too.


That’s a no from me hoss…

I’d rather not see Void Elf Paladins, Blood Elf Shamans or anything other than Nelf/Belf Demon Hunters.


Why? I don’t see how it matters at this stage.

Touché to be honest.

No, I’d go as far as restrict them even more.

It’s a RPG, treat it as such.


I don’t see how that makes it any more or less RPG. Player expression is pretty important to that whole Roleplaying angle.

I don’t recall the likes of Dungeons & Dragons ever having any Race/Class restrictions.

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Wow had class restrictions since the beginning, I don’t agree with them loosening them just to appease kids.

Shamanism was supposed to be primal, and that only fit certain races of the horde.

Druidism has a deeper meaning and history and it was washed away in time.

And let’s not go into deathknights, and how the hell Kalimdor races ended up being risen as commanders of the scourge when Arthas never set foot there.

Enough is enough.


Not until these archaic restrictions are lifted. If WoW was a game where lore was important, or world building was a core element of the experience then sure. But it’s decidedly not. Blizzard themselves have expressed this on numerous occasions.

WoW isn’t the “RPG” you’re looking for.

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Because spoiled children like you keep crying they want what their brains fart overnight.


I do…

I just don’t think it fits all the races…
Besides the Horde would be almost exclusively Blood Elves if all the races could be all the classes.

… how so ?

You seem quite angsty there friend. It’s just a game.

I doubt that. Shamans and Druids would hardly be a drop in the ocean and plenty would change from Demon Hunter and Paladin to other races.

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It’s not even that. It just doesn’t make sense for blood elves to be druids. That’s not their philosophy.

Or undead to be paladins.

Or Draenei to be warlocks.


Yes, a game built on certain lore and characteristics that differentiate it from a cheap Asian mmo.

It’s a mmorpg whether you like it or not. And that included the RPG aspect.