remove this toxic realm from our lfg system i’m so sick and tired of their toxic behavaiour in dungeons and bg’s it’s getting out of hand now .
90% are just horrible toxic people from this realm why should i pay my subs to get nasty people allways putting folk down vote kicking from dungeonsand generaly demeaning people is just a matter of course for them.
It is a bit surprising that 90% of the people talking or needing on every item while also playing extremely poorly are from the same server.
Fundamentally, the problem is the game design itself with its overly competitive culture. It attracts a lot of people of a specific kind and too many WoW players think that it is ok to treat people poorly because there are no real repercussions for doing so and no incentives to be kind.
Sounds like living flame in sod and kazzak on retail
Wish i can blacklist entire server
Dont think it is a problem with game design at all. There are competitive games that are less toxic. The problem are players behaviour.
The incentive to be kind is to be a decent human being. Someone who needs to be persuaded to be kind, is already someone who doesnt value being kind. However digging deeper I would say the core issue is that alot of wow players, and alot of males, lack empathy and the ability to regulate their own emotions.
When someone makes a mistake or is new, alot of players react unconciously with anger, like children. Instead of taking a few breaths and realize that they to where new at some point and made mistakes.
Also. Alot of wow players seems mentally weak, which aligns perfectly with childish behaviour. Alot of wow players cant face resistance, dont know how to endure, lack conflict resolutions skills and has a high degree of fear of failure.
Game design cant be faulted for faults in personality to such an extent.
Let me rephrase. The zero sum competitive nature, scarcity and minimaxing requirement of wow brings out the worst from the wow players. I’ve known people in wow who are absolutely great people outside the game but when they play they become totally degenerates.
As a player who sadly plays on Gehennas i can only say, that other realms also have bad people.
Firemaw for alliance but pretty much the same.
I’ve never had that issue when playing with women.
Maybe men should start learning how to regulate their emotions.
I think you both have a point.
People who already persistently deny, rationalize, and blame won’t magically gain the ability to self reflect and self correct thieir behavior(being taught empathy while the frontal lobe is still developing is crucial, so I guess that would explain a lot). But I think it’s also further encouraged by there being no punishment for breaking the rules. It directly rewards it.
I think that would partially be resolved by people tailoring their expectations to their circumstances.
happened again seriously this realm is toxic as hell was running throne with 4 gehennas players on last boss got kicked for no reason resolve this bad dungeon system
As a Gehennes player, every run where we wipe and I see dps failing to beat 7k DPS or a Tank in full resilience gear or a healer crying about mana, then see these people come crying and post here is cringe.
We have a meme on Gehennes that if you playing on the other servers but mainly the Alliance servers, you Hearthstone on Deathbringer Saurofang HC because its too hard (Obviously one of the easiest bosses).
This is a joke but sadly its actually somewhat true. Because of MEGA servers, all the good/hardcore players compile to one faction/server and it leaves the other faction and servers in really bad states. It got so bad on Retail they combined Horde and Allaince as Alliance was about to officially die. This means the base skill floor on Gehennes it about x5-10 higher than on other servers.
If you get someone from this server you are probably gonna get carried so you are lucky.
With the toxicity, true sometimes you get bad situations but in Cata the content is hard if you are coming from a SoD, Classic or ERA background.
If you turn up to a HC dungeon doing TBC damage, the healer will OOM. Again if you don’t understand your healing spell priority and use cooldowns effieciently as a Healer you wipe your entire group and lastly, if your a tank that doesn’t stack mastery or doesnt stagger their defensives and maintain mitagation you die and wipe the group. Same with interupts of some trash pulls which everyone spec can do.
This is the first expansion there is a minimum requirement of knowledge/skill check and if you lack those things your gonna frustrate the group and get a toxic situation. The knowledge check isn’t high but managing to bare minimum do 15k dps, which is still less than people did in WoTLK is the floor.
FF14 and WoW later fixed this by implementing a Solo scenario where if you couldn’t meet a certain damage check, heal check or Tank check you weren’t eligable for end game dungeons.
You might think this is silly but im pretty sure 50% of ERA players and Classic players would fail to meet that basic check because it means you would have to understand your buttons.
The check would be something like 15-16k dps single target before you could enter a HC. 50% of Catas current players would fail that benchmark.
So what do you do? Either these players will get perma flammed and quit the game with a bad experience, blizzard nerfs dungeon content to a meme level like in WoTLK or you put a check on the content to shield bad players from getting attacked and hope the bad players learn to press some of the correct buttons or they’ll never pass the check, which a lot will never pass.
dps was not an issue hitting 22k dps on a mage easily no wipes all skips perfect i may have sat down to eat mana food at start of fight on last boss but it was like 5 seconds max .
i’ve played wow since start of tbc original and i can honestly say i have never come across a realm full of childish toxic people as gehennas.
they swear at you call you names criticise even one tiny lil thing you do wrong even if your outperforming them by 25% or even more they kick you we dont kick them if they fail.
but do one tiny thing wrong and boom your out of the dung 30 min cd and a FU .
it certainly aint a skill base issue its a being a DICK issue i would say approx 10% of gehennas have been nice and decent to play with but when someone screams fg do this fg do that or we arnt f*****g doing that.
it’s like the server is full of teenagers on drugs.
And there we have the reason why everyone else doesn’t want to be with people from Gehennas/Firemaw.
“we are better than everyone else and people should be lucky that we carry them.”
Exhibit a, point proven. Leaving these pseudo-elitists in their own bubble would be quite a relief for every normal player, I’d gladly take 5-10 additional minutes in the dungeonbrowser queue for that.
ive done hundreds of hcs at this point, on all roles, idd say 50% of the time i either kick people or just take the 30m L, i just dont care anymore, if you cant take 5 mins to research ur class then then just uninstall and dont waste 4 peoples time
and i dont mean if ur just low gear, thats fine weve all been there it is what it is
its when u come as a melee hunter and raptor strike mobs, when you come frost mage (already red flag) with stamina gems and dodge tanking trinkets, when you go meme specs like fury warr and do 4k dps ???!!!
99% of the times u getting kicked its ur fault
Yeah, damn those who play a spec they enjoy and don’t metaslave, how dare they!
I have beaten fire mages in RDF dungeons on my frost mage alt, btw. It’s also up to the player. I have also seen some fury warriors doing alright. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Funny because it’s 100% true though everyone that’s been toxic have not been on gehennas but actually the other realms who love to ninja everything
don’t think i have ever seen someone doing 4k dps in a hrc cata dung seen plenty arrogant gehennas players though flaming people swearing and just being very very toxic to others
Same issue. I was tanking and there were 4 gehennas players. Everyone was failing strategy and they kicked me. Of course i have to suffer 30m dungeon CD. Its so humiliating. Everytime i have beef with someone its always gehennas player. Is there any way to blacklist whole realm ? Im tired of them
Honestly i had better gaming experience on free servers
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