Let me BURN...and PILLAGE... Villages in wow

So. I’m a ganker. And I proudly make people hate me a lot with a burning passion. namely Duskwood and redridge.

its great fun to attack the villages, kill everything till people get mad and bring their mains and war begins.

However, its just underdeveloped since 2004. And it would be epic if we could actually set buildings on fire, bring torches to throw at stuff, and say, stop NPC respawns for an hour or longer. Unless opposite faction rushed to kill the pillagers and restore the village.

It could work alike how Hallows End works. Sorta. Except the pillagers are the ones throwing spreading flames everywhere. Making the sky turn red / orange and everything look post apocalyptic :slight_smile:

It would be insanely cool if you allowed for this. As well as for some kinda bandit flagging. There is such a feature on some private servers where people can uphold the law or break it. But anyway. Just meta features.

If we could at least burn villages whilst creating chaos it would be really cool as an addition to Warmode.
Lets make it feel like actual war, Blizz. let me sow terror throughout classic zones on live.

Like a true orc bandit raiding party! Thanks!

Oh. And btw, in case anyone was gonna say it, I dont care about wow’s story. There is always war ongoing in this game. Forever and always.
Peacecraft dont exist. Only ganking…and war!


Check out STV by rebel, we’re always chilling there, socializing with hordes.


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for the most part, it only takes one person to attack once and then we have good old, fun war on our hands.

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Aye, problem is that nobody except people in the zone are alerted.

back before BFA and late legion I could see Hellfire peninsula being under attack when I was hanging around in Orgrimmar. Immediately knew action was going down. Flew there, talked and made a group.

But for some explicaple reason… the devs thought that was bad. Because they dont play this game.

dont think you have been around when the npc’s had nightmare spawn timers and you could do nothing to save him/them you had to wait a long time before being able to do the quests you where one.
the event might be fun doing some thing like that but any thing that would make it so i had to stay awake 24/7 to keep my leveling semi normal would be bad game designe

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