Let me explain

Deflated MMR makes people think there playing badly so they stop and quit, inflated MMR makes people think there playing good so they carry on. I think they think if MMR is inflated people will get glad at 2.4 and quit, but its not the case if anything most people once they push on a class and get glad they make an alt and gear it up and push rating on that instead. There is also a lot of people who don’t care that much about gladiator and just want to push there personal highest but with these deflated seasons its not possible, imagine playing a game where no matter how well you play you will never achieve your best, it makes no sense.


My highest cr has been 2.66 in SL s2, it was my 2nd elite ever.

I have 8 elites now. I have not gotten anywhere near since in that bracket. Gotta love incentivizing people to get better.

Its as simple as that.
We might not like it but it simply is true.

the problem is, they dont know how to think, they only know how to make as much money as possible in a short term.

microsoft is as bad as apple, so my expectation that they will change/do something is really low.

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