Let people opt inn and out of pvp

Let people opt inn and out of pvp. Then you can do all the balancing you want, within those two communities.
When we joined in p5 there was no other choice than a pvp server. Unless you wanted to roleplay.


Yes there was, in p5 there were pve servers


The vocal minority of PvP players would never allow it because everyone will opt out of WPvP just like in BfA because noone actually likes it

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As Bulka said, there were also PVE servers so you could opt-out PVP anytime you want, and opt-in at those realms too.

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Then why blizzard don’t let ppl transfer at least from pvp to pve, because lots of us started on PvP just at moment, when there was at least some ppl playing, now, when both realms are populated it’s easily to say “why you didn’t start on PvE”, but please, remember when on pve server there were just 1,5 goblins online

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There have been FCM’s in the past:

Currently I’m not quite sure if there are still FCM transfers, you’ll have to check the ingame shop - a realm will be selectable if there is but PCT is disabled across all Classic versions.

Now comon dude… do you really expect fcm to always be open? There have been several transfeers from pvp to pve. Just because you put fingers in ears and blindfold it dosent mean there werent any xD

Wild growth was always big on alliance