Let PvPers play PvP in Shadowlands

Its ok, same thing goes for me!

Makes sense then, i started WoW during BRF so i missed it.

I started playing PVE in HFC, then i remain to it.
It took me a few months to realize how RM-X works in this game so there was no point for me to even bother further with pvp :slight_smile:


But that’s just how this game works. As I said, the only way to change is to make a separate game/game mode for just PvP, but no, it’s not possible and it would be wrong. Only thing I could think of is to make PvP gear usable only in arenas and battlegrounds because they are instanced (could be good for people who are very competitive and don’t wanna waste time doing PvE and other content whatsoever). If you wanna be part of the world, and anything related outside of arenas, bgs, you’ll have to relly on PvE gear (because
 you know
 you are in the world, no ratings, just killing for fun, quests etc so you don’t need PvP gear
 And that only would be fair.

This isn’t actually true. Since when did quantity imply quality? You may have less than a tenth of the content available for PvP that you otherwise have for PvE, but what does that matter if you end up playing that part of the game far more anyway? By that logic you should also let Pet Battles carry some weight in tipping the scales against PvP and how is that even relevant? It’s not. Just because there’s such a small amount of people who cares about Pet Battles, didn’t prompt Blizzard to double down on cutting progression within Pet Battles. Why should PvP be any different?

We’ve had PvP vendors since Classic and they were made even more accessible to the masses as of TBC. This was only changed as of WoD where RNG suddenly became prevalent. Legion omitted PvP progression almost entirely and BfA is even worse, unless you’re at the top level.

You don’t actually get to objectively say whether this is a PvE, PvP or a Pet battle game for that matter: That’s a subjective stance.


Basic goal of every MMORPG is to kill monsters with group op people that is PvE activity. Everything else is secondary and PvP along with pet battles can be removed from this game without any bigger impact.

PvP is fun~ I am gladly participating in Epic Battlegrounds but dont overestimate its importance to game and developers themselves. Be glad thats its treated better than pet battles.

Again, you’re wrong. It’s not secondary just because you say so.
That’s fine that you think so, but to say it as though it’s objectively true is not correct. Again, fact is we have had plenty of options for progression in PvP, within PvP, but here we are, regressed and removed.

Why would you oppose this for any other reason than to be spiteful? What is taken from you if PvP players are made happy?


Err, what?
The base concept for an MMORPG is to have people create characters on a big server that can host a lot of clients simultaneously.

How the game treats progress and/or activity can vary wildly. Full PvP MMORPG is absolutely a thing that could exist without conflicting with the intended genre.

Also on another note, PvP and PvE gearing progress should absolutely be separated into their own things. Some intertwining between the 2 should exist, but PvP gear should never be de facto bis gear at endgame PvE, and PvE gear should never be that for PvP.

The 2 modes just work so differently progress-wise, and having it be balanced and fair for everyone is, imo, impossible.


It does not exist tho and WoW will never bow to players that want this.

It is secondary and you saying that I am wrong will not change it.

I am happy with current system

I don’t even want a “full pvp” game out of WoW, so that’s fine by me.

I want PvP and PvE have separated paths of gear progression because fairness is impossible to achieve in a conjoined system.
It’s been done before, and it was a good system back then, so it’s not even a radical or unprecedented thing to wish for.


It was a bad system and I dont want it to return~
I dont want to farm two sets to play this game and fortunately to me Ion dont want to do that as well :roll_eyes:

PvP stat to murder people for free before they will find some expertise items pff~ fun as hell

Good for me that noone listens to you

It wasn’t. It injected a degree of fairness in the game that the current system cannot accomplish.

Also, back in MoP and WoD the amount of “effort” you had to put into getting your full PvP set was really not that huge, so it’s not like you had to put ungodly amount of hours to get your “second set of gear”, and in MoP you didn’t even need PvP gear to do well in wpvp, it was only really needed for instanced pvp content.

Oh and you could even spend your pve tokens to get high-end PvP gear iirc, so there really was no real downside to it.


What if you are just assuming things, since pvp gear is not even implemented in the alpha?

The person I replied to was assuming that PvP vendors will fix the current PvP fiasco. I’m just showing a scenario where it would not fix anything.

Hey, posted in the same topic the link of the PvP vendor at oribos.

i relink again for you what PvP vendor at Oribos in Shadowland Alpha has to offer :

No I wont. When Im fully geared for PvP I enjoy PvP until next expansions prepatch breaks it again. Every single PvPer I used to know quit WoW when PvP gear was removed and PvE became dominant.

If I can get PvP pieces from PvP in Shadowlands thats fine. If I get to upgrade them via PvP token system that matches to current PvE Tier in equal strenght its good. But if PvE still remains stronger Im simply not going to play.

Resilience is gone from the game and damage is halved in PvP. Wether that is a good thing remains to be seen. Right now there is too much HP and auto-proc-damage-healing-shields.


That problem is not only for pvp players, pve players have to get specific pvp pieces and trinkets as well. The difference is they dont whine and some of them adapt.

Personally i wont play something i dont like, although im not gonna bother whine about it on the forums.

The sad truth is
 Casuals play one aspect of the game, the truly good players shine both in pvp and pve. Ive met alot of them , therefore i can only see whiners whining because they need to whine. Thats all

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Truly good players play what they want to play. I like tennis not badminton. I like soccer not hockey. Our way of playing and enjoying the game has been taken away. If Shadowlands lets me get gear via PvP activities that equals PvE tier, I have no problem.

And not everybody have time to do both PvE and PvP. And I have zero interest in listening 20 random unknown people, their squeaky girly voices and their cheat addons either.


Virtually the top pvpers say that the current system is something they strongly dislike. (to put it mildly)
At least the ones who stream or have an audience in general do
 They just tend to not post on the forums about it that often.

Also, you’re right that the current system is doubly bad for a casual pvper, which I see as a problem in itself.
I knew a lot of people who enjoyed just spamming BGs and doing occasional wpvp.
The game has no place for them anymore, even though it accommodated them in some capacity from TBC up to Legion. Not anymore though.

Kinda sucks when the game changes and suddenly forces another type of content onto you as a prerequisite before doing other, entirely different type of content.


Who has time to do raids and Arenas all the time? Nobody. Give PvE heroes Valor and Justice so they can buy PvP pieces by doing PvE. Let us PvPers gain them via PvP. Problem solved and everybody is happy except special no-life snowflakes and you should never ever cater MMO for less than 1% playerbase who are nothing in real life.

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In your opinion. We’ve been over this.

Good for you I guess, why actively talk against it when others want it to be reverted to something that worked, though? How does that go against what you like to do in the game? You still haven’t answered that. It’s just the usual contrarian garbage I see so often on these forums, isn’t it?


Now i get it.

Im pretty sure pve players say exactly the same thing, its the whole system that is problematic. Not pvp problems only i guess

Indeed but do not forget blizzard gives us what we whined previous patch for.
Virtually every bad grind change is due to OMG IM BORED whinings on the forums.

Why? What exactly is the problem for casual BG spammers?
They get a weekly chest, they get blue’s. I fail to see the problem here.