Let PvPers play PvP in Shadowlands

People like you want to be carried by OP gear that can be obtained only in PvP. There is no seperate gear for world pve, dungeons and raids yet you want seperate for pvp.

Ofc we do, Mr honor level 25. You really have figured it all out I see, must be all that experience you have in doing PvP. You are clueless.


Actually he is correct and you are wrong. Blizzard doesn’t want to cater to hardcore PvP players because it makes living hell for casual pvp/pve players. It’s pretty obvious with all these pvp changes. They don’t want segregation and elitism in PvP so they are most likely taking attention and opinions of casual pvp players.

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It’s quite funny that people who hardly pvp this expansion seem to think they know what they are talking about. It has nothing to do with elitism nor hardcore pvp. It is all about pvp players who are literally forced to do pve, since all the gear that comes from pvp is useless garbage. PvE players have a huge advantage in pvp thanks to spammable m+, and pvp participation has gone way down thanks to the garbage gearing system. Also, the gear gap between hardcore and casual has never been this big before as in bfa. Perhabs you should start playing pvp this expansion yourself.


I hit 120 3 weeks ago. Played over 10 hours per day. Im still missing Breath Of The Dying Rank 3 and Nazjatar Raid Essence, which needs 9 weeks to get to rank 3. I havent got time to do any PvP in exception on W-PvP quests and daily BG CP caps. Im still 448 ilvl with around 400K HP.

Im burned out and will not redeem in 4 days. I go to play PoE Harvest instead. Because it has zero timegating.

Gated Reputations grinds for power is not hard or fun, only annoying and tedious. If people are happy they will play. This system makes them unsub. Get a grip WoW Devs.


are you farming this on LFR?
8/8 hc clear of EP yields half of rank 3 essence. Not sure why you need 10 weeks.
and people will take you np to such a pug. you can even assemble your own with plenty of willing players. And it’s not a hard clear, given that we have twice as much hit points as EP raiders did when current.

I agree that essence grind in general is painful. I have all of the PVE essences but only rank 2 on PvP ones. A long way of farming arena caches for rank 3 (BIS minor, literally everybody on top 100 parses had this) and 16k more honor in BGs.

Do i complain about having to do pvp? Not really, with 478 ilvl pve i can dominate randoms pretty easily. Won many bg’s with help of like 2-3 other players, especially ones like peaks or wsg. I complain about time gated grind in general. It’s like 6 months past 8.3 release and they still gate 8.2 content. They did the same **** with legendary cloak in MOP. Never let go with the grind, even the absolutely arbitrary 3000 valor grind which was literal time gate, as you would get that valor by simply playing the game, without relating to the quest at all. As a spit to the face, they introduced +100% valor buff weeks BUT DIDN’T ACTUALLY RAISE THE DAMN WEEKLY CAP!!! Talk about useless help.

They measure WoW success by participation metrics now. And how to produce high participation? Slap a lengthy grinds in there. Lots of players will flat out quit, but those that stick around will do those tedious tasks ad vomitum. Therefore participation charts are high, Activision marks a success

Because nobody will take me to HC clear and I have zero reason to waste my time on it further. I have no PvE experience in this expansion. I dont want to do PvE any further and if you say then you dont deserve that essence any faster that I care even less.

I could suffer that Uldum grind and then just play BGs even with gear disadvantage. But it will not be pleasant so its best for wait Shadowlands when all will have fresh equal start.


This is wrong on so many levels. Allowing PvPers to gear through PvP will cater casuals, not the hardcore crowd. The hardcore crowd will get their gear by any means
even if it means they have to do content they dont enjoy (like raiding).

Casual pvp content is hijacked by the hardcore (PvE) crowd.

Imagine being an undergeared casual pvp only player. Through PvE u can get 460+ within a week or two max. That is because the gear needed increases step by step. (LFR normal HC and M+ increases step by step.)

Imagine trying to gear via PvP:

  • Random BGs that are filled with ppl with 3 x your HP and 10 x your dmg just to get 425 items.
  • You can go arenas. At the starting MMR (1500) ppl will all be fully geared. To get weekly boxes to drop 460 ilvl items you need wins above 1800 rating. At that rating youll see 99% Mythic raiders.

So it is alright for PvPers to be forced in PvE but PvErs grinding PvP is taboo? That is racist.


I know your frustration. But try it, EP heroic at this point is really tank and spank (almost old content level), no real tactic needed. List a group called essence farm, invite some 460+, go 2/4/14 and just breeze through it. Make sure to grab 1 warlock so you can summ leavers fast. It’s much less painful than running LFR.

I’m not PvE’r, as a matter of fact I enjoy both content equally. And I stated after that post another solution to give PvP gear to ppl who only play instaced arenas and bg’s, but make that gear less viable in world since they refuse to be part of it. (so they can’t one shot people who play high content in PvE). Pvp vendors are amazing thing, but that’s just how you acuire gear, not how system will work.

Not going to happen.

  • You have to grab your Legendary items from Torghast
  • You have to do maintenance on Legendary items in Torghast
  • You have to do covenant maintenance related to abilities and anima
  • Raiding is the “hardest” content in the game, and BIS should therefore always come from raids

I don’t agree with this philosophy personally by the way, but just look at the way it is now.

  • Completing +15 key = 475 item in weekly chest
  • Conquest cap at +2400 Arena rating = 475 item in weekly chest

Ask yourself, which one is harder to achieve? Here’s some interesting statistics.

  • You need to be in the top 5000 PvP’ers in the world to get your 475 weekly
  • You need to be in the top 400000 M+ players in the world to get your 475 weekly

The punchline? Mythic raiding rewards even better loot. PvP’ers cannot, and never will get good gear again, because raiders and the devs wont allow it.

Yes, we got vendors
 who cares if the ilvl on them is not competitive?
Imagine if securing a 475 weekly item only required 1500 rating from Arena. Then it would match the M+ scene
 but, can’t have that.

Seriously though, imagine the community uproar if securing a 475 item from m+ required you to complete a +24 key?

I swear, someone on the dev team got ganked too many times outside a raid by a rogue in green/blue gear back in the day, and their ego is still hurting from it :stuck_out_tongue:


They could do something like if u are entering a PVP instance with PVE gear all the stats on that item are nullify to zero.

So u are pretty much forced to use PVP gear :joy:

I absolutely agree with all of what you said and a top of all that, PvE content is so much more requested, played and rewarded comparing to PvP so they won’t even bother investing to much time in it.

No matter how much we have asked for this it never works out. Historically it has always ended up being PvE > PvP. PvP gear being as good in both pvp and pve has been in the game tops a single season before reverting back to the old PvE > PvP.

Blizzard is the worst offender of this. In Legion Blizzard forgot to update the ilvl of pvp gear for an ENTIRE season.

This is why PvP gear is essential. Because it prevents Blizzard to destroy pvp gearing and creates a safety net in case they CBA doing anything for multiple seasons. WHICH HAPPENS EVERY EXPANSION BTW.

This expansion is prime example of this. Since PvP and PvE gear was supposed to be equal. How did it turn out to be? It’s pretty obvious right now that if you don’t PvE forget about doing PvP. 80% of my friend says they don’t want to come back to BFA because they can’t be bothered with PvE content.

Let’s not forget that conquest gear this expansion was supposed to be offered as a supplementary source of gearing. If you play PvP causally it is almost impossible to get gear unless you do M+.

The only reason it has turned out to be this bad is exactly this kind of mentality and wishful thinking that PvE gear and PvP gear should work together.

So tl;dr:
Blizzard is incapable of balancing PvE gear = PvP gear. PvP gear is the last resort to have proper PvP gearing character progression in this game.
It’s either PvP gear or we get BFA 2.0.

I used to think that too, then Classic launched. 90% PvP servers. In Asia? 99% PvP servers. Literally nobody only does PvE in Classic.

Just because most of the content in modern WoW is PvE related, don’t mean that it’s the most desired content. It just means, that PvE content is the most rewarding.

And PvP’ers and PvE’ers like a change of scenery every now and again, so they will play both aspects of the game or jump between the two.

At this point, it seems that the PvP scene has diminished and become such a minority, not because players prefer to PvE
 but because PvP itemization went down the drain so much, that it was no longer a reasonable time investment.

Makes you wonder what the heck happened during early WoD development
 It almost seems spiteful, especially since it got worse on to Legion and BFA.



Given how M+ and raid gear has been easier, less time consuming and broadly more available to players in BFA, Legion and WoD, why would you assume that PvP gear will be on par with it in Shadowlands?

If anything, a reasonable assumption for Shadowlands would be:

  • Honor rewards on par with Heroic Dungeons
  • Conquest rewards on par with Mythic Dungeons

With M+ and Mythic Raiding being the BIS source of itemization because: (insert Hazzikostas logic here)

Source already in the topic, already linked 2 time? check it out.
Wowhead link.

I will not link everytime to same link for each people in the topic.

Thats exactly where you are wrong, to those people who hardly do pvp blizzard is catering to = casuals.

Not really, that is just your assumption. While everything blizzard has done so far points the opposite.

Separating stats/gear for PvE and PvP is the worst. We don’t and shall not need different stats/gear for PvE and PvP.

We don’t even need different currencies (e.g. honor/conquest points for pvp, justice/valor points for pve in the old days.)

We shall have the same currency and vendor for both pvp and pve.

The currency’s weekly gain will be capped at 1000/week and players can buy different item level gear from the vendor (higher item level gear cost much more than low item level gear, just like titan residuum vendor).

What we need is for players to get those currency at the same difficulty and efficiency from both pvp and pve. (e.g. players get 10 from a random dungeon or BG, and get 100 from a mythic+ or an arena match)

It makes players can earn the same currency in either pve, pvp or a mix of pvp/pve if they want to, in relatively SAME difficulty and efficiency.

We shall not have different sets for PvE/PvP. Carrying multiple sets like azerite armor / corruption is the worst gear design in wow history.

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