Let us level to 59 a.s.a.p

Blizzard, you’ve already recieved so much feedback on the ptr, and most people doesn’t like it. You have so much time now to get p4 right.

Sooo please for the love of god stop dragging p3 out. Let us lvl to 59 or even 60 who tf cares. I told you todo this 3 weeks ago, and look at where we are the most Savannah desert realms ive ever witnessed.

You dont have enable the new loot, just let us level peacefully for once. So sick of you dragging this out, its cruel and dumb. Do something!!!

PTR will have several updates that we can test and provide feedback on.
If you had taken the time to read the blueposts you would have known this.

I rather wait a bit longer then having a unenjoyable P4 full of bugs and exploits.

Ehm i’ve read every single one. And no its not gonna get better with more time, the core is rotten and needs to be replaced.

A.k.a slug loggers and runes