Let us merge accounts along with mounts please!

“Sort of semi merge”
Because characters were the only thing that were kind of unique to an account. It feels like you’d merge part of that account with another.
Nowadays a character isn’t what makes your account feel special towards you. Atleast it’s no longer the main reason.

There are 3 levels

Battle NET logon

One battle net logon can have many accounts, each of those accounts can have many characters.

Blizzard will merge two Battle Net accounts together
Blizzard will not merge two accounts together

ThisIsMe has 1 wow account with 10 toons
ThisIsAlsoMe also has 1 wow account with 12 toons

Merge them onto the same battle net logon will produce ThisIsMe with two accounts (wow1 (10 toons) and wow2 (12 toons)) rather than 1 account with 22 toons

I have 6 wow accounts, which were originally spread over 3 battle net accounts (don’t ask why, only 3 have licenses and only 1 has an active sub) I only really use two of them, and one of those is just so i can invite alts into my alt guilds.

I get that! What I wanna now is why do they merge accounts but WITHOUT mounts. It doesnt make sense. Why would anyone merge their accounts just to have them on the same blizzard account if they dont come with the mounts?

I’ve checked my WoW6 account for mounts, it only contains 2x Level 1 characters - 1 horde and 1 alliance.

Level 1 - Alliance Toon on WoW6 showing 172 mounts
Level 120 Alliance Toon on WoW1 showing 173 mounts

As to which mount is missing, I have no idea.

Best guess is one of these

  • Any of the flying carpets
  • The seahorse from Vashj’ir
  • The Mage flying disc

Edit: It should be noted that the highest ever toon on WoW6 was around level

so you’re saying that if I merge my accounts some of the mounts might come with it?

It did when i did it, things may have changed but i believe it was about 2 years ago i merged all mine.

All achievements, mounts, toys etc are available across them all. The only question i would have is, “does the direction matter?”

i.e. i merged my empty account into my used account and my empty account got everything, would the same apply if I did it the other way.

edit: the way i read it is - the moving account will replicate the target account so you lose everything on the moving account.

i.e. move the blank to the full not the other way round

Can you please stop

So much fuss for 200 mounts never worth it just get them again so simple hardly a collection to be worried about .

yeah so much fuss about mounts. I have almost every single raid/dungeon mount + some really rare ones like TLPD, Aeonaxx, Uldum Camel, Voidtalon.

At what point (in your opinion) is it worth to care about your collection? For some reason I couldnt check yours but I’m curious how much stuff you’ve got on your account.

I even care about stupid WoD legendary ring quest chain achievements. It’s been removed from the game and I can no longer obtain it again. The very last thing. I am trying to get all the mounts on my “new” account but it feels dumb to grind ICC and ulduar if I have those already.

Most of the 125 mounts are probably in the 208 list. Just do a quick comparison to see which would need to be refarmed from the 125

If they somehow helped me with moving TLPD, Aeonaxx, uldum camel and void talon to my old accounts I’d gladly allow them to wipe my current account from existance.

Maybe chat with a GM via a ticket

Checking your collection you dont seem to be ok .

i would worry once above 400

Didnt you recently make a post saying mounts to easy to get …

Already tried that… four times. I know there are people who received such help from blizzard. Thats why it bothers me so much. Why is my case different? What can be done to convience them to help me. eh

Change your name to Asmongold.

Do you have rare mounts on both?

Edit :If not then it may be bite the bullet time

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Imo yes but Celadina said my collection isnt worth sh… but I like my mounts :frowning_face:

Said it waz not worth the fuss please post truths.
Maybe i should ask them for my mage t3 ?
Also ask them for pre wotlk event gear ?
Get them to merge my US account?
It was your choice to use another account same as it was mine we knew full well what would happen so you deal with it and move on.

I didnt know you can have more than one wow account registered to your bnet account.
If you cant add anything to our conversation besides repeating yourself I’d strongly suggest saving your energy on other activities but if you want to bump this thread - thank you!

On a side note I’m surprised there were only two toxic people in this thread so far.

You over use toxic (annoying buzzword overused by people with low IQ )btw and not bumping your thread as that is agaisnt the rules.
You come across as very arrogant btw and it beggers belief you didnt know you could have more then one account on bnet.
Either take it to

CS Forums
Place another ticket in.

GD forums are not your blog or personal air bubble.

Oh there’s no need to call me arrogant. I asked a legit question cause it’s kind of weird that you CAN merge your accounts but WITHOUT content you unlocked. Makes little sense to me.

General discussion forum isnt a platform to discuss? If you feel like this thread is against forum rules just report it.

have a nice day