Let us play as Blood Trolls

Zandalari were big enemies not that long ago, even in Mists of Pandaria, and now we have whole expansion about them ^^

Perhaps the Shadowlands customization will bring something like this? https://www.wowhead.com/news=295976/wow-shadowlands-new-character-customizations-trolls-dwarves-undead-humans

You mean before Warlords of Draenor and Legion? Two expansions ago. And even then they were not fanatically set on the death of everyone - remember the Zandalari have only ever fought to sustain the Troll Empire.

Blood Trolls (and to be honest Eredar) hate anyone and everyone who does not worship Blood or G’huun. They are still nigh on 100% hostile to anyone who sets foot near them!


Whole Throne of Thunder raid was about zandalari.

You can already play as a blood troll (on RP realms). Just look at me!

Blood trolls are on the verge of extinction, thanks to all those people who constantly farmed “Echo of Mortality” at the Blood Gate. So from my point of view, the outsiders & the zandalari are evil! :angry:

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If we delete blood elves and replaced them with that then Yes. Otherwise ,no.

Dogs are for kids and seniors.

I see regular Troll sorry.

I just want Blood Troll Transmog :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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There is no where near enough sarcasm in the world for how I’d really like to respond to you. :roll_eyes:

I’ll just say; well done, Captain Obvious. Do you remember the context of that fight?

Zandalari teaming up with the Mogu in an attempt to ressurect the worldwide Troll Empire. The Zandalari do whatever it takes for the empire to survive. Thats why they allied with the Horde. They are not evil.

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We were killing zandalari trolls in MoP yet you claim they weren’t our enemies. Good, good job.

Well, then you are truly lost!

[John Williams Composing Intensifies]

Difference between Enemies and Evil. Ironic considering you are playing an Undead.

Every enemy of mine is evil because only my cause is right, right? so Enemy = Evil, as Holy is evil to Shadow, and Shadow is evil to Holy.

Not true, considering the Horde and Alliance dynamic. Furthermore, both main Factions use both Holy and Shadow magics. Granted, using Shadow is like cupping your hands and flinging battery acid as a weapon, but Holy has been shown to have it’s flays too.

The Horde and Alliance hate each other for past transgressions. They don’t inherently despise each other or wish to go out of their way to cause grief. Blood Trolls literally want to murder anyone who isn’t a Blood Troll, even if there has been no interaction with them before.

To be honest, i don’t have any idea what are we talking about now, i agreed that blood trolls are starving for blood and praise G’huun so we can’t be allies already, but in twisted Blizzard narration there is place for trolls to be united by common enemy.

Honestly, I’m low key hoping the new core race customisations allow a few giblin skins for goblins which alter their ears and hands. If trolls can get sub races in their skin options (dark trolls, sandfury) then I see no reason why not giblin options, especially given the unshackled actually ally with the Horde.

The new start zone removes the oooer about it. The only issue I see is the rocket jump racial (just change graphic to a watery geyser esque jump).

Let some races stay at villains.

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Ok, true, I’m the same here and to be honest, I’m also wondering what the fridge the Zandalari were hoping to do with the Blood Trolls if they planned to united all Trolls. They are essentially feral and consider anyone who isn’t a Blood Troll just a potential sacrifice to G’huun.

Zandalari are just pragmatic when it comes to allies. Same with a lot of the Horde, ironically.

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Of course it is true, Blood Elves and Undead should never be allies in the first place.