Let us play as Blood Trolls

Played Alliance War Campaign The Strike on Zuldazar part where you can be disguised as a Blood Troll. Model and outfit both look gorgeous, the shouting when you charge is fantastic. Whoever in charge of decisions about playable races: hey mister you definitely lack creativity and got bad and poor taste. You slept on Eredars, don’t sleep on this one. None of alliance will bother unlocking junk gnomes!


Check out for more: https://www.wowhead.com/news=281189/blood-troll-models-and-animations-now-in-model-viewer#screenshots



oh yes please :star_struck:

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No Please, no.


Should be a skin option for trolls !


Blood Trolls are absolutely awesome! Yes please!


I love’em. They look pretty dope, I love the accessories and the overall aesthetic they’ve got.
Make it happen, Blizz!

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Thanks a lot, don’t know why still can’t post any link/image :stuck_out_tongue:

According to this site https://trustlevelchecker.jodk.nl/portal/?region=eu

Just keep going you will get to level 3 eventually :slight_smile:

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How come worgen is all i need?

People have 2 different trolls now, want blood trolls

We got 4 elfs, people want high elves

Is this some RP discussion i am too PvE to understand?


I don’t get it either. We’ll probably end up getting gilblin as well somewhere along the way but I honestly can’t say I’d want those.

The literal race that you fight against in the Zandalar campaign should now ally with the horde, okay then.

The Alliance war campaign also has you killing blood trolls, the being a blood troll thing was a disguise to try and stop the Horde recognizing the Alliance efforts to sabotage them.


They cannot make Blood Trolls playable, as they are just usual trolls with awesome looking gear.

With new customizations coming, you can somehow look like them tho

How in the world would blood trolls join either the horde of the alliance?


And how on earth do you imagine adding them as allied race? They praise G’huun and want us all dead, even Hir’ eek betrayed LOA. You would need to brainwash them, or add part of history that after defeating of G’ huun bla bla trolls minds were free and they were living in a caves and swamp of Nazmir, Talanji reacher out her hand and voila. Damn, i should be official storywriter.

Love those models though :smiley:


Let’s add witches to Alliance while we’re at it!

I just want their mogs…


You can already. Theres a toy that turns you into one from Talanji’s rep paragon boxes. Granted its only for 15 mins but its still there :wink:

Whats with people and suddenly thinking every antagonistic faction is going to be immediately lovey-dovey with us straight after we beat them up…?

Even the Zandalari and Dark Iron took a long time before they became marginally friendly and even then it probably wouldn’t have worked straight after a war!

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