Let us skip the quest line for cloak on alts

Well… people are mad about the M+ chest,. yes. :smiley:

I meant that they wont have to do anything to get stuff. For weekly chest you need to do a m+ dungeon run :upside_down_face:


If you decided to play 6 alts at once and do progress that’s a luxury you need to afford.
Even if it’s the same thing over and over again.
Blizzard might not spell it out but WoW was never altfriendly.
It got friendlier over time because of people like you *itching about not being able to play 6 alts.
You should be happy the game is how it is right now regarding alts.
Wasn’t always like this.


I have to admit… its not what you meant, but let me pull this into table from different angle.

I actually am mad if game wants me to log every day. I would love to “grind my stuff” when I have mood. Lets say I feel numb irl in saturday and think I could do some pointless long session with snacks… boink, no game wants me to log here every day and do some tasks every day.

Hate it :stuck_out_tongue:

The real reason my raiders cloak is behind some people is that I had no vessels to do 12-15 as I didn’t do assaults all the time :smiley:

Hated also the way gnomeland rep was gained - with need to log in every day to get your 800 or so reps for flying. No, I couldnt no life a day, i had to do some quests every day.


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Yes, this. And especially when flying is locked behing this system. But the reason is obvious: gotta keep people playing for as long as possible. Altho I’m not entirely sure why*, since raid-loggers pay just as much as those who do quests 5 hours a day. But definitely one of my least favorite things about modern WoW and honestly, I don’t see myself doing another Pathfinder ever again.

Also not big fan of how visions are locked behind the vessels. Or rather the fact that you lose it if you die. I don’t mind difficult content (not that I’ve done any in WoW), I don’t mind spending like 30 minutes a week to get the vessels but the fact that I know I won’t be able to even try again until next week if I fail kinda takes the fun out of it.

'* = Unless it’s in order to keep the most casual players happy? Like those who can’t do 12 hour grinding sessions won’t feel left behind. But then again, doing dailies 3-5 hours (depending how crazy you are) a day for 2+ weeks is anything but casual.

What i have been thinking is that in Vanilla (and now classic) we do not have hard timegates, there’s just purest form of grind that takes time - and this keeps people in the game. There’s no need for artificial ‘do 3 quests now and 3 tomorrow’ kind of things. In classic people will do their 50 quests every day because game is turtle.

I understand that some things should be time gated as optional - like there was this ‘I am patient and suborn’ kind of mount in nazjatar. But if I wnated to grind my flying within week, then it should be my option. Instead they made me log in every day and made me burn out instead. With surge-type of gaming people can take breaks without feel that they miss out something, just get their something-something later.

Or lets look at this cloak what we have now. There’s catch up systems, yes, but i actually have managed to lag behind my raid team least on 4 occasions. one was 12, and 4th is now, when my corruption resist is 50 not 53. So i am still actually limited, I cannot farm my brains out on week-end now to properly catch up. No.

Classic shows clearly that people can do with 0 content grindcraft, just give them reasons to do so. You do not have to hard timegate everything and hold our hand.

Oh gosh, yes. Those loading screens are awful in WoW. That’s why i bought an SSD…now it’s not an issue anymore. Instant loading screens are so wonderful. I can only recommend it.

I hated it so much and it was the most crap affixes one week so i just decided to do them all within 3 days so i never have to think about it again

my 12 alts have heroic lego cloaks now :smile:

But at what cost! :sob: at what cost!

I’ve done it twice. The second time was kinda boring, I wish we could skip all of the instance scenarios by talking to Magni

What got me was Magni teleporting around and leaving me stranded.

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He uses his heartstone

The amount of travel time is atrocious. Throne of Thunder, Blackrock, 2 times Halls of Origination. Those dungeons are huge on top, long walks to the objectives. Also finish 2 Assaults which takes easily 30 to 45 minutes with undergeared alts. The quest chain is longer than it needs to be. Finishing 2 Assaults and the Vision should be enough for alts if your main has completed the main quest chain.

Oh yeah I wanted to strangulate him with that neck-thingie of mine… When he went "champ-iooon-… " and I was like “… die… … why cannot I just … kill you… MOTHER… MOTHER CANT YOU TELEPORT ME SOMEWHERE???” - "No… "

Yes, absolutely. I talked about this in some other thread. Basically Classic WoW was created to be slow. It feels natural. I can’t fully pinpoint why it is. I mean of course Vanilla was made to be slow to get that sweet sub money, but why does it not feel like that? I suppose that’s what skilled people can do. Kinda like other art forms. Movies are always made to generate money (because of their gigantic budgets) yet a good movie won’t feel like it was to milk money from you.

I suppose it’s maybe because in Classic there’s always something to look forward to, since most of the time is (or was when we were noobs) spent leveling. Always a new zone, new little stories, new items etc. You don’t spend weeks and months in the same handful of zones unlike you do now as level 120. In BfA when doing Pathfinder you’re stuck in a couple zones and there is absolutely zero difficulty. It’s like you know for 100% fact that this only exists to waste your time.

I think first Dark Souls handled fast travel well. You spend a good time without it really getting to know every corner of the zones and how they connect to each other (and what a glorious world design that game has). But eventually you unlock the ability to teleport from bonfire to another, which is good because it will eventually get tedious to run everywhere. That’s kinda like how WoW originally did flying. You really get yourself familiar with the new continent when leveling from 60 to 70, or 70 to 80 and then unlock flying so it doesn’t get too tedious on the long run.

In DS2 you unlock teleporting immediatelly (and the world isn’t even connected like the first game) and it feels much less exciting. The world is smaller and you feel less connected to it. Kinda like how flying was in Cata.

BfA is as if you took the first Dark Souls, but instead of automatically unlocking the teleports midway through, the game informed that from now on you’ll have to spend 2 hours a day for 2 weeks in the zones you’ve already beaten and that provide absolutely zero challenge. You know, to experience the content. Like hello, I’ve been here for like two dozen hours, pretty sure I’m already familiar with this content don’t you think?

I think normal flying should be open at 120 for money. 280% could be locked behind achievement. I’d imagine that’d make a lot more people happy than the current system.

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