Lets be honest guys, it really needs a nerf

Ive played dh before and enjoyed the class. but from playing and watching pvp ive seen that dh really just outsustain and outdamage any other class rn with topping damage and being unkillable, It is not really fair. it makes 0 sense to play any other dps spec rn than dh. please nerf or pvp is literally ruined. And no im not just saying this cause of tilt from losing to dh, If you dont think dh needs a nerf rn you are very delusional and biased.


Pvp? Nobody cares

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Yeah, this class needs way more nerfs than this.

Not everyone likes to sit around and follow a pve rotation and fight npcs. Boomer

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Wait a minute. I saw guy who said we are delusional before.

HMMMMMMMMMMM :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Glow eater dh abuser xD

Yes. Someone only has enough brains to run around a pillar like they do in the arena. Virgin :joy:

Thats why blizzard do separate pvp gearing system, wpvp gearing system, pvp and wpvp quests, activities, new bgs and whole the expansion we see pvp tuning every week? Really nobody care.

Don’t talk to that dude, he’s seeking attention.

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There are about four or five classes that can be played in pvp. For example, I really don’t understand why someone would pvp with hunter or resto shaman.

And gear is worth nothing. In years past the meta was about who can kill the other in 3 seconds. This is a real wild west shootout.

Though personally I’m glad blizzard doesn’t take more resources away from more important things ( like raids).
Although how well done the solo shuffle is. :grinning: enjoy

Yea cause pve is extremely skillful. Fkn donkey m8

All I need to prove that you’re wrong is to open ladder.

Go without gear on bg :clown_face:
You can get it pretty fast and it’s wonderful. Majority pvp players play pvp to get pvp. Not to grind PvP gear and drop the game right as they done.

They do balance for PvP, they made PvP system for df, they do special cosmetics for df (look at glad mount and at ksm one🤡)
I just don’t understand that toxicity. We don’t need prove that you don’t like PvP. But we don’t need that information. It’s obvious there are tons of PvP topics and ppl care about it. It’s okay if you don’t like it. Why should you be so toxic just for existent of PvP while it doesn’t affect you at all?


i don’t want to get a nerf to any of my characters because of a minigame :rofl:
and they often change a class not only in pvp environments

There is special possibility to nerf in PvP only. That’s how they balance PvP now. That’s how they nerfed ench burst by 50% in PvP while not touching pve. That was very long time ago when blizzard nerfed class in pve because of PvP. Look at last changes - they didn’t nerf assa rogue, sub and ww burst abilities in pve because of PvP by 30%. They did it in PvP only. You seem out of touch a bit with that and

That only proves that. If those classes are meta it doesn’t mean that they are the only classes that can be played. There are the same 4-5 meta classes in m+ and raids and it doesn’t change that other classes can be played. It’s absolutely the same. When the last time were your class nerfed in pve because of PvP? Wod?)

I hope you are right. But I would mention a couple of skills that have had their mechanics changed for pvp:
Arcane torrent
Every Man for Himself ( I dont care the new name)
Blade Dance dodge on DH
Fist of Fury stun on ww monk
And now, they will remove the double tap from hunter.

We don’t know the reason. They didn’t give us any note about that. But for PvP they could just give modifier for rapid fire instead of deleting. They also perform very well in new raids and get nerfs because of that so deleting of dt can be caused by raiding performance and general problems with balance about this ability. In PvP mm perform pretty bad and it will be strange kill the only win condition of current mm when they’re already weak.

This was clowny A F. How they kept it for so long I’ll never know. Sometimes I feel like it is still there.

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